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Chapter 81 Miss Baishui

The next morning, everyone packed their bags and boarded the boat from Baishui Ferry.

The ship is a large ship with red paint and gold. The bottom floor is loaded with cargo, and the upper floor is a sophisticated cabin for the nobles and wealthy businessmen coming and going. The goods are complete, the environment is clean, and the service is considerate.

This kind of boat is unique to Baishui Crossing. Due to the strong currents and surges, the boat is light and can easily capsize. It cannot travel in the Baishui River, so it is necessary to put heavy cargo in the cabin.

As soon as the group of people landed on the pier, a muscular man came over and picked up several horses and three carriages. They moved them to other ports and sent them to the lower cabin. Several people followed a boat with their luggage. Mother gets on board.

The boat girl was also very muscular and muscular, unlike the women Lian Yu had seen in the past.

She has been in this world for more than half a year, and most of the women she has seen are delicate and delicate. She and Feishuang have never met anyone who likes to travel through wind and rain as much as she and Feishuang do.

I saw the boat girls here today. They all have strong bodies, walk like the wind, are full of energy, and have high-pitched voices. I like them very much.

This joy has lost its sense of proportion, and its eyes are wandering around the boat girls, with a look of lust on their faces, not a smile, but a smile.

Han Zhu stretched out his head, glanced at her, and said in surprise: "What are you looking at?"

Lian Yu praised: "What a good woman, what a good woman!"

Han Zhu heard what she said and followed her gaze, instantly blushed, and said shyly: "Don't look at anything inappropriate."

When the boat girls saw their movements, they giggled, their voices were hearty and clear, not as graceful as the Jiangnan women, but more like the wind and waves of the place. It becomes a landscape.

The boat girl who led the way smiled and said: "Girl, you have good eyesight. We women who cross the river are all making a living in this river. They are strong and have good temperament. When encountering wind and waves, we have to go into battle and pole the boat frame just like the men." 

Sail, my body is too weak to stand on this boat. Therefore, women in Baishuidu are different from other places in the Zhou Dynasty. They regard being strong as beautiful, and the same goes for girls from big families." 

"We are the owners of the ship, from the Peng family . The eldest lady is just a good sailor. Many men can't compare with her."

Lian Yu smiled and said: "I see, I like women like you. I wonder if it is fate to meet Miss Peng. The grace of the boat."

"It's no coincidence that the eldest lady has gone out on the boat." The boat girl smiled, "However, there is a possibility of encountering the eldest lady's boat on the way."

Lian Yu said with a smile, "If we meet... , Sister, you need to point it out to me." As he said that, he walked to the boat.

"Haha..." A burst of hearty laughter came.

"You girls are bragging about Aying again, and you are not afraid of making the guests laugh." Turning around the cabin, there was a middle-aged man standing on the deck. Although he was wearing a warrior's short clothes, he was elegant in every aspect, and his posture was Upright and tall, this person is speaking.

The boat girl who led the way immediately raised her hands and saluted: "I have seen the master Peng."

Lian Yu saw that she was doing the Jianghu salute, rolled his eyes, raised his hand and made a fist, and said with a smile: "I have seen the master Peng."

Violent cute girl, she is a big eaterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant