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Chapter 55 The villagers of Shanshen Temple are dishonest.

"Oh, little girl, don't drink anymore. There is hot tea in the house. If you drink like this, you will suffer when you grow up in a few years." An old woman with gray hair , holding a basket of steamed cakes, turned out from behind the big man.

Then she pushed the steamed cake in her hand into the big man's hand and said, "Uncle, your steamed cake is ready. You are a useless old woman and works too slowly. You have to trouble me to come and get it in person."

The burly man He looked away from Lian Yu, took the steamed cake, and said: "It doesn't matter, it's a two-step thing. We who run around in the world are not so delicate." The white-haired woman smiled, and the wrinkles on her face became deeper. He sighed

"The days are getting more and more difficult, so it's only you, the heroes of the world, who still come to take care of my business. Otherwise, we, the old couple, will not be able to survive."

"What did grandma say? It was about each other. Take care of it. Without this place, we would have walked all the way without even a place to rest. Are you busy?, I will go back first, and the brothers are still hungry." 

The white-haired woman continued to laugh, laughing He was happier and more sincere than before, and urged: "It's all because of the old woman's talkativeness. Master, go quickly, don't let the strong men starve." 

The burly man left with a basket of steamed cakes, and before leaving, he said ?He turned back and glanced at Lian Yu.

Lian Yu stared at the steaming steamed cake in hishand and swallowed her saliva.

Only when the big man walked out, leaving only a silhouette as broad as a mountain, and the steaming pancakes no longer visible, did Lian Yu look away.

As soon as she turned his face, she met the white-haired woman's eyes.

The old woman was about to speak, but Lian Yu got there first.

She licked her lips and shouted with a simple and pitiful look: "Grandma, I'm hungry too."

"Is the little girl here to eat or stay in the hotel? Where are the adults at home?" the old woman asked with a smile.

"Stay in the hotel, sir, you are outside." She replied, but her eyes kept looking at the big pot on the stove.

The old woman moved two steps, looked out from the doorway, turned back to the stove, picked up a steamed cake with a bamboo tong, and said, "It will take a while for your rice to be ready. This cake is reserved for my old man. Let the little girl take it and eat it first."

Lian Yu washed her hands from the porcelain basin next to her, took the hot cake, looked at it and touched it with dust.

Coming out of the kitchen, she was biting into steamed pancakes and pacing next to Meng Ze.

Although this homestay is simple, it is very spacious.

A large courtyard, with a row of thatched houses built on three sides of the courtyard, and a yellow mud wall about the same height as Lian Yu on the other side.

Next to the yellow mud wall is the stable. Hanzhu and the others are tying their horses and unloading their luggage in the stable.

There are only two people guarding this place, an old man and an old woman. When there are many guests, it becomes too busy and most things need to be done by yourself.

Meng Zeshen stood in the middle of the yard with his hands behind his hands, looking in the direction of the stable.

Lian Yu followed his gaze and found that what he was looking at was not Hanzhu and the others, but the other side of the stable, near the outside, where five tightly packed carts were parked.

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