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Chapter 29 Sunset

"Miss Lian, are you okay?" a bright voice came, interrupting the conversation between the two.

Lian Yu thought to herself, anyone with eyes can see whether I am well or not, so why bother asking. She couldn't be better off, after all, she had made a small fortune.

Looking around, I saw Liang Sheng walking towards this side with one arm hanging on his chest, his face still stained with blood, and his eyes were staring at Yunliu who was leaning against the car window with concern.

It turns out that I was just being sentimental. They were concerned about Yunliu, and I think they regarded them as biological sisters.

Liang Shengxing walked to the car window and asked in a soft voice: "Miss Lian, are you okay?"

Yunliu had just finished vomiting, and now her face looked pale and listless, and even his lips had lost their color and turned grayish white. She raised her head and asked feebly: "Young Master made a mistake, the little girl's surname is Li."

Liang Sheng looked at Lian Yu who was sitting in front of the car with a questioning look on his face.

Lian Yu shook the riding whip in his hand and said with a smile: "I didn't say she was my biological sister either. It was Brother Liang who misunderstood." 

After hearing this, Liang Sheng calmly changed his words and said with concern: "I see Miss Li. Your face is pale, but are you injured? I have some good medicine there, go and get it now."

Yunliu said weakly: "No need."

Huang Ying hurriedly explained: "Young Master misunderstood. My girl was not injured, it was just the first time she experienced such a disaster and she was a little frightened."

At this time, the Lei family's motorcade had been reorganized, and a guard ran over to inform Liang Sheng that it was time to set off.

Liang Sheng reluctantly glanced at Yunliu again, and comforted her: "Miss Li, relax, after passing this point, there are official roads ahead, and you won't encounter this kind of thing again. I have one there. Soothing tea, wait until you get to your accommodation..."

Before he could finish chanting, Lian Yu flicked her whip and the car drove forward, following the team in front.

"Send it to the girl~" Liang Sheng followed the car for a few steps, finished speaking, and then left.

A round red sun slowly set on the mountain peak on the west side, leaving an orange-red golden edge on the mountain peak.

The huge elongated shadow of the mountain covered the entire mountain road, and the light suddenly dimmed.

The birds flying in the mountains were chirping, and flocks of them fell into the deep forest and returned to their nests.

There was no more chatter in the entire convoy, only the crackle of the whip on the horse's back, the clatter of the horse's hooves on the ground, and the rumble of the wheels rolling across the ground, all mixed together, telling the urgency of this team.

An hour later, the convoy finally turned out of the forest and entered a wide and smooth official road.

At the end of the road, the round red sun appeared in everyone's sight again, and the sky suddenly became much brighter.

The convoy continued to move forward quickly. Because the road was now wide and flat, the convoy's speed was nearly twice as fast as before on the mountain road.

Wherever it passed, there were bursts of thunder and smoke, and the sound was quite powerful.

About half an hour later, an inn appeared on the road ahead. The inn is not big, with only two rows of houses with thatched roofs and about ten guest rooms. A red wine flag is stuck diagonally on the stone courtyard wall.

Violent cute girl, she is a big eaterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora