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Chapter 75: Invite to the Battle

General Zheng's face was as dark as a drop of black water, but Chen Qi still didn't realize it. He solemnly said: "According to the scout's description, Nanzhao's troops have just arrived at a time when the troops and horses are exhausted. Tonight we are just in time. You can make a sneak attack when they are not prepared."

General Zheng scolded: "Have you forgotten that we have just arrived in Chizhou, and the troops are tired. If we really go for a sneak attack, it should be General Chen who sends troops. The Central Guizhou Army has been recuperating for a long time, and there is no need for a foreign soldier like you to take the lead here."

General Chen from Central Guizhou laughed and said: "Our Central Guizhou Army has been responsible for guarding the city and guarding everywhere. If you abandon the people of a city and fight for the credit, you really shouldn't. The bravery of charging into the battle belongs to your Qingzhou Army. I think this little brother is very good." Luo Tianxiong stretched out his hand

Two hands, Xu Xu pressed down, and said warmly: "Don't hurt the harmony. We have come to Lingnan, and we will cooperate with each other in the future. We are all our own people."

He looked at it and stood still. The lieutenant in the center of the hall sighed: "The opponent's army has tens of thousands of people, but we only have 6,000. If we close the city gate tightly and hold on to the city, we can still wait for reinforcements for some time." 

"Divide the troops for a sneak attack. Once it fails, the city will be empty and the people will be in danger."

"Is it good that my little brother has the courage to give suggestions, or is he too young and reckless?"

General Zheng snorted coldly and muttered: "Did you hear what Luo Jieshuai said? Hurry up and retreat."

Chen Qi knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists with both hands, and said in a loud voice: "Such a good opportunity is rare. Chen Qi is willing to take his three hundred brothers to sneak attack. Just hope Commander-in-Chief can support equipment and military supplies."

General Zheng: "Three hundred people, sneak attack tens of thousands of enemy troops, Chen Qi, are you? Are you crazy? You want to die, don't lead the Qingzhou soldiers to follow to fill the hole. "

Luo When Tianxiong heard this, he only wanted to bring 300 of his men.

After a quick thought, I suddenly realized that it wasn't the case. Why don't we try it? What if it works? Then he smiled and said: "General Zheng, don't worry, let him say it again. Let me ask you, how confident is my little brother?"

Chen Qi solemnly replied: "I have no confidence in my humble position, but I dare to issue a military order. , whether this time is successful or not, all responsibilities will be borne by one person. The military situation is urgent and the opportunity is fleeting. Chen Qi requests to go out to fight immediately."

"If it fails, the commander-in-chief and the general will only assign low-level positions and not listen to orders. The crime of acting privately."

He has no parents, no children, no clan on the left, no wives and concubines on the right, he is single. If you die, it doesn't matter what serious crime you're sentenced to, it won't hurt others.

So he opened his mouth to take responsibility without fear.

Luo Tianxiong repeatedly praised: "Good! Good! As expected, you are unparalleled in bravery. I accept this request. If you need anything, go to Mr. Chai." Then he turned to look at Zheng Rong on his right, "General Zheng "You won't oppose my decision, will you? I admire you so much for being able to produce such a warrior under your command." 

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