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Chapter 17 Revenge

Not long after, Lao Wu was kidnapped and brought back. During the interrogation, he naturally refused to admit it and even admitted that he only helped Huarong tie up the girl Li Yue. But there was no evidence for what he said, and Lian Yu and Huarong firmly bit him to death. Finally, Rong's mother waved her hand and ordered his legs to be broken and thrown out.

When he was dragged away, his eyes kept staring at Huarong angrily, as if he wanted to tear her into pieces, bite her to bits and swallow her in one gulp. Huarong shrank and turned her head, not daring to look any further.

Not long after, heart-wrenching shouts and vicious curses rang out in the courtyard. These sounds gradually became farther and farther away and became smaller and smaller.

Hua Rong carefully glanced at Lian Yu who was calm and composed next to her, lifted up her skirt, and walked back quietly. When passing by the yard, I happened to see Lao Wu being dragged toward the back door with a weak leg.

They looked at each other for the last time across the yard. One wanted to kill the other immediately, while the other was timid and afraid and just wanted to avoid the other.

This turmoil is a turbulent wave for some people, but for others it is just a stagnant wave.

Fu Heng's departure did not have much impact on Lian Yu's life. She had neither Rong's mother's anxiety nor Yun Liu's worries. She still happily ate meat and did her own things every day.

She never believed in anyone's protection, only relied on herself.

In her previous life, in her short twenty-year life, many people had come and gone, but in the end she could only rely on herself.

Her principle in walking in the world is that people can use them, but they cannot rely on them. Once they rely on others, they are exposing their most vulnerable belly to the sword of wind and frost. When the person you rely on falls or leaves, that is the day you are disemboweled.

She used Mama Rong and Yunliu to find a place to stay, but she never regarded them as people who could protect her from wind and rain.

The days passed smoothly and leisurely for more than half a month, and the storm came just as everyone was worried.

It was like the guillotine that had been hanging on the neck finally fell, which not only made people feel relieved, but also brought infinite fear.

On this day, the setting sun of autumn gave off a warm afterglow, and the three-story flower building of Chunxiangyuan was illuminated by the setting sun with a dim halo, giving it a prosperous scene.

The setting sun slowly set, the sky became darker day by day, and the golden light reflected on the flower tower became sparse and faded.

The diligent helpers lit up the hanging red lanterns before the night was completely enveloped.

Wu Wanghai arrived at this time. He was carried in a large sedan chair by eight tall and strong men. Behind him were two rows of retinues holding single swords.

When the sedan landed and Wu Wanghai dragged a lame leg out of it, the servants had already moved a Taishi chair and placed it at the entrance of Chunxiang Courtyard. The chair was covered with red brocade cushions, and a small table was placed next to it. Pastries, tea and wine are all available.

The sedan landed very close to the Grand Master's chair. Dragging his useless legs, he walked over in just two or three steps and sat down. The eight big men carrying the sedan immediately moved aside with the sedan.

Two rows of knife-wielding retinues lined up on both sides of him, standing eagerly. The blades in their hands shone coldly under the bright red lantern, which was very compelling.

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