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Chapter 65 The Improper Earthen Jar

The two of them ran out for a quarter of an hour. Suddenly, they heard heavy footsteps and gasps coming from the alley ahead. That person was also running fast.

It sounded like they were still five feet apart, so they couldn't hit each other. Lian Yu kept running without stopping.

"Announcement from the government office, Nanzhao is attacking the city, Ximen Evacuate!"

This voice came from that person, with urgency.

Lian Yu immediately turned around and went to meet her. When she got closer, she recognized that the man in front of her was one of Lin Deben's soldiers.

The soldiers also recognized Lian Yu and the two men. When Bo Song went to see Lin Deben, they happened to be next to Mr. Lin and knew that the two men came from the south gate.

He smelled the strong smell of blood on the two men and said hurriedly: "The north city gate has been broken. Mr. Lin has informed everyone to evacuate from the west gate. You two girls, please go to the west gate immediately!"

"What are you?" Lian Yu asked.

The soldier said: "Your Majesty has given an order to inform the whole city, and ordered us to help the people evacuate from the west gate. It is my duty to go ahead. There are still a few streets that have not been notified."

"The south gate has been breached, there are enemy soldiers further ahead." Lian Yu reminded.

The soldier smiled heartily and said, "Thank you, girl, for reminding me. Goodbye." Before he finished speaking, he ran out and disappeared into the dark alley.

Deep in the alley, a rough and deep voice came again, "The government office announced that Nanzhao is attacking the city. The north and south gates have been broken, and the west gate has been evacuated."

Outside the west gate is a continuous large mountain. The mountain is not high. There are no special dangers, but as long as people disperse into it, they will not be easily caught.

Moreover, because it faces a mountain and the road is narrow, it is difficult for siege equipment to enter, and no matter how many soldiers and horses there are, it will not be effective. The enemy forces here must be somewhat weaker.

Lian Yu and Feishuang looked at each other under the starlight, without saying a word, and ran towards the inn together.

Not long after, she met a Nanzhao soldier head-on. Lian Yu stepped down and gave up his position. Feishuang's speed did not slow down and she drew her sword.

Before the enemy's sword could be used, his neck was broken under the sword, blood spurted out, and the man fell against the wall.

Lian Yu immediately followed, picked up the long knife in the enemy soldier's hand, and continued running wildly.

The further we go, the more enemy soldiers there are, and the more people are running away and crying on the streets.

Through the power of her ears, Lian Yu could no longer find the uninhabited road, so she could only choose a relatively quiet direction among the chaotic sounds.

In the quiet alley, there were not many enemy soldiers, but they hadn't had time to rush into the people's homes.

With no other choice, Lian Yu and Feishuang no longer thought about anything else. The two men rushed forward with one sword and one sword.

As if she were crazy, she would kill the gods if he blocked them, and she would kill the Buddha if she blocked them, and she would crush them directly.

Fortunately, along the way, the people I met were all ordinary soldiers, and there were no masters like that boy.

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