Chapter 12: The Lie

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His shoulders tensed and his fists clenched, Virgil walked through the woods, annoyed and irritated beyond belief. "Stupid Clara being a stupid waste of space," the sentient grumbled. "Couldn't even purge an illu right. Freaking amateur." Because of her, that illu had been able to thrive over the years, planning its next move until it could strike. Now that it was back in the present, it had possessed one of the most powerful leaders in the world, and was wreaking havoc wherever it went. Virgil was pissed.

If Clara had just kept her head straight and not looked during the exorcism, we wouldn't be in this mess, Virgil fumed. Now I have to deal with corrupt leaders and TNT everywhere- The humanoid froze. If the TNT really was everywhere, that meant it could be in Gicela, back home. The blood of the sentient suddenly ran cold. His family was at risk of blowing up at any moment; he had to save them. Virgil ran off back to Orfcynn to find the nearest mine cart, and hopefully return to Gicela before it was too late.

When Virgil finally arrived at Gicela, all was quiet upon the lands. A light snow had started to descend from the heavens, an ominous omen from the night of the fire; the sentient prayed to the Muse that She would spare his family from a tragic end. The sudden sound of crows cawing overhead echoed across the plains, another sign that death could be imminent. Virgil nearly tore the hinges off the door when he barged into Bram's home.

"Hello? Bram? Jules?" The usual pitter-patter of little girl feet was glaringly absent in the halls, causing the humanoid's paternal heart to constrict in panic. "Bram?! Jules?!" Virgil tore through every room in the house, desperately searching for any signs of life. The sentient's prayers were answered when he found an unopened letter on the kitchen table. The humanoid ripped the envelope open and quickly read its contents:


I've been hearing strange sounds in the basement recently, and the shadows have started moving. I might be going crazy. I've taken Jules to stay with King Nicholas while I figure out what's going on. Hope this note find you well.


The humanoid collapsed to his knees in relief: Bram and Jules were alive. Thank the Muse. But wait, did Bram say he was taking Jules to see King Nicholas? Nicholas was dead! Who would be taking care of Evelyn? Virgil groaned in frustration as he forced himself to a stand. Guess it was back to Fernwick for him; he had to check on Jules and Bram to see to it they were safe. But before he could even think about leaving the kitchen, a dark chuckle echoed behind him. "Don't worry about Evelyn; she's in good hands."

Virgil took a swing at the mad man. "What have you done with my child?!"

Finnegan dodged the punch with ease and gave the enraged humanoid a cocky grin. "Like I said, she's in good hands."

Virgil grabbed an empty mug off the table and threw it at the intruder; Finnegan simply moved out of the way. "Give her back!"

"Not until you finish your job."

"My job?!" the humanoid screeched. "You mean those towers of dynamite?" Virgil took a few steps closer to the deranged man, and began in a low tone: "I don't know why you want to blow up the world, Finnegan, but I know this isn't all you. I know you're possessed, and I'm done taking orders from the illus. Now, tell me what you've done with my daughter or else."

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