Memories, memories and memories!

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{ I wanted to do a double update for you guys.}


"This house is packed tonight, Lacy, you didn't say you were coming over." Lillian said as she ate some of the pasta on her plate washing it down with the wine right beside her. At Dinner Lucy suddenly came over. Daniel hadn't called her and he knew this had Toby written all over it. She sat right next to him at the table pushing Liam to the other side where he came face to face with Daniel. Liam didn't like being there and felt out of place. Everything was fine before Lacy came as they switched the attention from him to her, seeming he wasn't that quite interesting. Liam wasn't the type to be able to indulge in conversations because there wasn't anything interesting he could say about his life if they wanted the good version. The bad version could literally fill a whole book, in courtesy of his parents.

"I wanted to see Daniel, his been avoiding me all day." Lacy said as she faked pouting and leaned into Daniel. Daniel felt a little uneasy, he didn't want Lacy at his house, now all that he had planned had gone down the drain. After their conversation in the room Daniel wanted Liam all to himself and he hoped on spending more time with him, but Lacy had to ruin it all by coming.

"So, Liam, was it?  do you go to Ivory academy?" Daniel's father, Henry finally spoke out bringing Liam into reality.

"Yes, sir." Liam answered being a little bit awkward but tried to look natural.

"And how has it been so far? Are your studies going well?" the man asked smiling faintly at Liam who seemed to relax as the tension dispersed, at least someone was paying attention to him.

"Yes, I topped all of my classes." Liam said feeling very proud of himself despite the struggles he faced at home.

"that's more like it, a young man being proud of his achievements, I bet your parents are super proud of you, if they aren't I am." Henry interjected. He knew half of Liam's story because Daniel had told him all the things Liam was going through but he didn't mention the abuse because he had no clue about it. All he knew was that Liam was treated a little different in his home and in order for him to find out more, obviously Daniel had to stick by Liam.

That took Liam by surprise. Daniel's father was being more of a father than his father could ever be. He was the reason Liam was like this but forgot, in his eyes the little damage his ever caused was beating up Liam until he ended up in the hospital that's all he remembered. But the victim saw it all and went through it and sadly just couldn't forget.

"Than—k y—ou." Liam said as he tried to regain himself. A smile crept up on his face as he looked at Daniel who looked just as happy as he was. Dinner went on and on until everyone was through and went to sleep. Now Liam had a dilemma,was he supposed to go to Daniel's room and sleep with him? What about Lacy? His girlfriend? Where would she sleep? Both Liam and Lacy followed Daniel to his room who slumped on his bed and called over Liam who hesitated for a while but went and sat next to Daniel. He was frightened as Lucy bore eyes at the back of his head.

"Now where will I sleep? Shouldn't he go to the guest room?" Lacy asked as she rolled her eyes and flipping her hair to the side and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Why should he? You found him here, you came last."  Daniel answered as he laid Liam on his bed covering him with Blanket placing a kiss on his forehead as he walked to his side to sleep as well.

"You aren't choosing that poverty striking boy over me, are you?" Lacy said frustrated as she tugged at the ends of her hair trying to calm herself down.

"He might be poor but he is cute, go sleep with Tobby I know he called you here to spite me." Daniel said as he laid his head down on the pillow intertwining his fingers and put them under his head laying on them. He let out a sigh. "And if that proves difficult you know where the guest rooms are, please close the door on your way out." Daniel said as he closed his eyes shut. He felt Liam shift on his side as he got off the bed. Daniel stared in awe as he went and pulled Lacy from where she stood and placed her on the bed.

"I really don't want to be the cause of the fight you guys are about to have. Daniel, Lacy is your girlfriend you can't treat her like that, and what you said was very rude. Apologize to her, she did come to see her boyfriend after all, I'll go sleep in the guestroom, wherever it is." Liam said faking a smile. It hurt to see Daniel look sad because what Liam had said wasn't what he expected, it even hurt him more when Liam grabbed a couple of the things Daniel bought for him and left the room. Daniel stared at him wide eyed as Liam walked out closing the Door shut. Lacy got comfy and forced Daniel to cuddle with her as if Daniel hadn't just insulted her a while ago, this girl really was desperate for love.


"Sir, I think this room is way cleaner than the rest please enjoy your stay." The butler said closing the door. Liam huffed out a small breath as he fell asleep as soon as his head met with the pillow.


"Dad, I swear it won't happen again. I was just so hungry and you guys don't leave food for me anymore." Liam cried as he held on the small biscuits he had taken from the cabinet in the kitchen.

"So, you admit you were being a bad boy?" his dad said as he smirked evilly as he threw Liam on his bed.

"Yes. And I'm sorry." Liam said as his voice sounded Muffled as his father got on top of him forcefully pushing his face into the bed as Liam struggled to speak and breathe.

"don't worry, it's just a punishment it won't hurt, trust me you won't even feel any pain." The father said.


Liam bolted upright in bed, his breath coming in short, uneven gasps. His cheeks were damp with tears, and he felt a sense of panic and despair. He was haunted by dark thoughts and memories, and he felt like he was slowly losing his grip on sanity. He just wanted comfort, but there was no one there to provide it. As he looked into the mirror, he saw a reflection of himself that he didn't recognize. A little boy who had seen too much and was just too tired to keep fighting. He wondered if this was the life he was supposed to lead. Would it always be filled with pain and suffering? Or could he somehow find a way to turn things around? He longed for a way out of the darkness, but it seemed like an impossible task. How could he go on like this?

{I know,I know, maybe I shouldn't have?but bare with me,his my baby his strong enough to tackle anything.} :(

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