Part 10

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Jessica pov.

5 days later...

"I remember picking up the phone in the office of the band room. I remember someone asking for help and the person on the other line saying a name. Then the rest of it was sort of a blur. I think I dropped the phone and fell to the floor. William and Jessica running over to me... I remember breaking down into tears. Then I was sobbing uncontrollably as Jessica was trying to comfort me. They Might have asked me what had happened and who was on the other line on the phone, but I don't think I answered them." Jordan was sitting in the big chair in the courtroom. She had to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Landes as the prosecution asked Jordan "Is that all you can remember? Or are you withholding information?" Jordan looked so uncomfortable up there on the stand. "I am telling you the truth and I am not withholding information from you sir." Landess nodded.

t "I'm going to get straight to the point then." Landess spoke sternly. "Did you or Did you not Kill William" Jordan looked terrified and sad when that question was asked. Tears filled Jordans eyes and streamed down her cheek before she quickly wiped them away. She cleared her throat and said "No sir, I didn't kill William."

I remember back to when I saw Jordan go pick up the phone and looked terrified after a few seconds. The look of utter terror on her face. She said something and then after that she dropped the phone and started crying. I ran over to her so fast as she fell to the ground in tears. I hugged her tightly as she sat in my lap. I was trying to comfort her as much as I could, gently stroking her hair and hugging her. Jordan is my best friend and I don't know who was on the other end of the line, but whoever it was must have said something that made her cry. I noticed William picked up the phone to see if someone was still on the line but he shook his head. The line was dead.

I tried comforting Jordan but it didn't work. "Hey Jordan, who was on the other line?" I asked softly. Jordan sat back up and dried her tears. She cleared her throat and spoke. "Markus was." William looked so confused. "Why'd you start crying then?" He raised an eyebrow. Jordan sighed deeply. I could still tell that she was trying hard not to cry again. She took my hand and hesitantly took William's hand. William and I both looked at each other confused. "I Wish to be with Markus" Jordan said with a slight voice crack.

When we were being teleported to markus it felt like my body turned into thin air and my body was gone. But like my body was still there. A whole. It felt weird. But at the same time it hurt. It felt like my body was being torn apart and put back together. Then suddenly felt completely fine .We appeared in front of an electrical pole that had a car crashed into it. It looked like Markus's car. The engine was steaming. The windshield was shattered. No noise came from the inside of the car.

Jordan and William just stood there unmoving. Me on the other hand Ran over and Yanked opened the drivers side door. Markus sat there unmoving. I reached over Markus and struggled to unbuckle the seatbelt. I finally got the seatbelt unbuckled and pulled it over markus. I picked up Markus' bridal style and took him out of the car. I walked to the side of the road and set Markus down. His head was covered in blood and he had a giant cut across his forehead from the windshield shattering. I started patting his cheek to wake him up. "Come on Markus! Wake Up!" I pleaded. No response.

I held my finger just in front of Markus' nose to check if he was breathing. He was breathing. Just barely breathing. I checked his pulse next. A faint pulse. "Jordan! William! Get over here!" I yelled. They both walked over to me. Jordan was visibly shaking. William had no expression on his face. "Wh-Where's his phone!" Jordan asked, panicked. Jordan ran over to the car and quickly started looking around the inside of the car. The wire from the electrical pole had fallen and was extremely close to the engine of the car. "JORDAN! Get back here! Right now!" I yelled. The sparks from the fallen wire were setting the engine on fire. "I'll be really quick!" Jordan yelled back. William finally noticed too. He ran over to Jordan and grabbed her by the waist and pulled her out of the car. Jordan was struggling in his arms as he pulled her away from the car. One final spark hit the engine and the car exploded.

I shielded Markus from the blast. My ears were ringing and it hurt. My vision was blurry. The ringing in my ears slowly faded as I became aware of my surroundings. I heard Jordan crying. She was calling out William's name. I looked down at Markus and he was fine. Just a small cut on his forehead. I looked over in the direction of where the car was. I stumbled to my feet, slightly limping, walking to Jordan. The ringing in my ears was completely gone. My vision was still blurry and shaky. My head was spinning. I finally stumbled my way over to Jordan who was close to the burning car. I put my hand on her shoulder and she pushed it away. The sound of Jordan slapping my hand away rang out in my ear. I fell down to my knees. My vision cleared up just in time to see Jordan pull Williams' body onto her lap. She was listening to his heartbeat if there was one. William lay there motionless as Jordan hugged him tightly.

Jordans Wails and screams could possibly be heard for miles. Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and it was Markus. The light from behind him made him look like William. Markus's hair was just above the shoulder like William's haircut. I stood up and hugged Markus tightly. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. William was gone. This was a sign from god. I cried into Markus's shoulder not letting him go. Jordan always cared for people even if they wronged her, hurt her, or even cared about her too. She's been through so much and it hurts her. She doesn't show it though.

I looked down at William's body and Let go of Markus. I walked over to Jordan and took William from her. I picked William up bridal style and walked behind the electrical pole into the forest. I heard Jordan yelling at me to bring William back. I wasn't paying attention to what she was saying. She was probably saying that she could bring him back to life with her power. I'm half tempted to hypnotize her and make her forget about William and all of her problems.

I walked a little bit farther into the forest and sat William's body against a tree. In a sitting position. I rested my forehead against his forehead. I put my hand over his Heart to make sure he actually was dead. Sure enough he had no pulse. I moved my hand to his cheek and smiled. "You did good. She forgives you." I lifted my forehead from his forehead. "Good job William. We will miss you." I removed my hand from his cheek and put my hands together in a praying position. "God, I ask for a favor for a sinner like me. Can you guide William's soul to a beautiful place? He saved someone important to me and several other people." Tears started flowing down my cheek again. "Please send his soul to a better place. He deserves it." I sobbed quietly. I stood up and dried my tears. I walked back towards the road . I could hear faint sirens. They sounded like fire trucks. I continued walking back to the road.

When I got back law enforcement was there and was putting out the fire and questioning Jordan. Jordan noticed me and I could tell she had been trying not to cry. I stumbled over to her and started speaking. "You don't have to worry, He's in a better place now." We were asked to go get checked. We walked over to the ambulance and sat in the back. My ears started ringing a little bit. Jordan got checked out first, the ringing got louder. The ringing started getting louder and unbearable. I used my hands to cover my ears. My vision started getting shaky and blurry.

I noticed Jordan was trying to speak to me but I didn't hear anything. My legs gave out beneath me and I fell to the ground. The ringing continued to get louder. Louder! LOUDER! I wanted to scream. I continued to cover my ears. I got into a little ball, still covering my ears. Jordan got down onto her knees and looked at me. I saw her mouth moving. The ringing was unbearable. It hurt so much. I closed my eyes in pain. I yelled loudly in pain. Then the ringing stopped... My body relaxed. I couldn't move, It felt like I wasn't breathing. It was so dark. What was Happening to me?

I felt a rush of calming warmth. It was like I was on a floating cloud. I opened my eyes. It was a beautiful scene, clouds everywhere, the warmth of the sunlight, Birds chirping and oddly shaped birds flying in the sky. I relaxed and forgot all of my worries. One of the birds flew close to me and I realized that it wasn't a bird. It was a person with wings. An angel. The light behind them made it so I couldn't see their face. As they got closer I could make out small details about them. Then they spoke. Their voice was so deep and calm. But what they said scared me. "You can't die yet! William can't die yet either! Jordan still needs you two! WAKE UP JESSICA!"

I woke up with a jolt. I quickly sat up. I Looked around. I heard the sound of rapid beeping that was slowing down. I was in a hospital room. I looked around and saw William on a different bed beside mine. William stared at me in shock. I looked to the opposite side of my bed and I saw Jordan. A look of pure shock on her face. She quickly ran over to me and hugged me. I sat there for a second before hugging her back. "You were in a coma! How did you wake up?" I heard Jordan yell. I looked at her confused. "What?"  

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