Part 3

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All I saw when I woke up was James and he was dead, I just sat there in shock! There was a knife and an oboe in Jessica's hand... "What did you do!?!" I Yelled scared. She put her blood-covered oboe mouthpiece in her mouth and started playing... I was under her control again... After Jessica was done with the song she yelled at me " You will kill for me and if you refuse, I will find you and kill you!" Inside I was so scared but my body wouldn't move "I can't believe I just did that! Wow, I'm unstoppable... No one can hurt me when I control them!" Jessica grinned. "Oop! Jump scare!" Noah exclaims as he walks in. Jessica, covered in blood, looked at him then at me, and said to me "You know what you have to do!" She picked up a knife and handed it to me " Take it and kill him! You know you have to! " I took the knife from her hand and unwillingly smiled. I slowly turned to Noah... Noah looked scared and started to run... he ran into the storage room and found out it was locked! He ran behind the tubas to hide. I ran after him. I pushed him against the wall. I STABBED HIM! I wanted to fall to my knees and cry. I didn't want to do this. Noah tried to move away from me as blood came pouring out of his legs. Noah's body slowly slid down the wall, as he was screaming in pain. I felt a wave of unwanted pleasure and I looked up for a bit but then jerked my head down. Noah was trying to get away, he was dragging his body across the ground.

He was screaming for help! Jessica was gone, and so was James' body but I didn't care anymore. I didn't understand but, my focus was on Noah. I walked up to Noah and looked down and grabbed his hand. " If you wanna try to live then don't run away! '' SNAP! I snapped his pointer finger! Noah yelled in pain. " No, I'm being too nice! Noah has a hard head... I'll break some more fingers to get my point across! '' I thought, but why would I think that? SNAP!! Went Noah's middle and ring finger! " Leave me alone, I don't wanna die, JORDAN!!! PLEASE !!!!!" Noah pleaded. A creepy smile came to my lips 'Help me!' I thought. Why shouldn't I kill you when I have the pleasure of killing you? I asked 'Why would I say this???', "Because you will never get the chance to be friends with William, 'cause he will never be friends with a killer! '' Noah yelled at me. The smile was gone from my face, and I noticed Noah kept looking behind me. A look of slight peace was in his eyes. I was happy that Noah looked happy and I was scared that he looked at peace but I broke his thumb!
"There is no hope for you, today you will die!" I yelled at Noah, 'WHY!!!' I thought to myself

Then there was a slight clattering sound from behind me, I quickly tightened my grip on the knife and held it to Noah's neck, and looked in the direction of the sound and wanted to smile but I had an angry expression on my face" I will never be friends with a psychotic person like you! You're an idiot to think that! NO ONE WANTS TO BE FRIENDS WITH SOMEONE LIKE YOU! YOU ARE A MURDEROUS PSYCHOTIC LITTLE GIRL! " William Yelled at me.

Noah looked up at me, only to find himself shocked... I was crying! I had broken free of Jessica's control " You need to help me! I'm doing this against my will, I- I just don't wanna die! It's all her fault, Just help me! " I sobbed. I dropped the knife and it fell to my side and fell down on my knees.

"Just HELP ME!!" I pleaded. William dropped the weapon that he had and ran over to me and Noah but was still cautious of me. "Are you okay Noah?" William asked, '' No I'm not fine! I'm bleeding and my fingers are broken " Noah glared at me. "Here he's gonna need this" I took off my belt and handed it to William. My tight pants were baggy now that I took my belt off

" Thanks," William took the belt, wrapped the belt around Noah's leg, and tightened it as tight as he could, still eyeing me quietly. " So tell me what's been going on? Who is making you kill people against your will? But first, stop crying" William spoke, breaking the silence. "Yeah stop crying," Noah said with a smirk. I dried my tears and stared at him but then at William "It- " I said... then I thought to myself "What would happen to me if I don't kill Noah, What would happen to me if I told William what kind of situation I'm In, Would he ask how many people I was forced to kill?" we sat there in silence for a bit then William asked me to break the silence "Jordan?"

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