Part 6

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I noticed Jessica beside the house and so did Jordan. I saw Jessica smiling, and then she started running into the woods, so I chased after her. I saw Jess look back at me and smile, it made me sick. I chased after for like 2 miles, Jessica looked back and I darted behind a tree. I could hear her catching her breath, she wasn't moving from her spot. "This is my chance, She won't ruin my plans anymore. Jordan will be mine a" I thought. I silently climbed up the tree and jumped out and flipped out my knife, and stabbed Jessica. I didn't notice Jordan behind me until she gasped. "What did you do!" She pushed me off of Jessica and took the knife out. Jordan ripped her shirt and put it on Jessica's wound and put pressure on it. "Jess, stay with me please! Don't die!" Jordan pleaded. "Why save her? She forced you to do things against your will. She hurt you, she.. She did horrible things to you. Why save her?" I asked Jordan "Because William, She means the world to me. I wouldn't let her die because she did things to me against my will. I can't bear losing someone else again!" Jordan puts more pressure on Jessica's wound. "Thank you Jordan, you were a good friend and I'm sorry I shouldn't have made you do those unspeakable things. I did horrible things too, and I deserve-" Jordan cut Jessica off. "No! You don't deserve to die, you're gonna stay here and try to change things, be yourself, Just don't go, you have a family who loves you, I love you, your my best friend, just don't die" Jordan started crying. "Don't die..." Jordan sobbed. "Goo- Goodbye, Jo- Jordan... You're my best friend too!" Jessica smiles as she closes her eyes "I love you too, bestie!" Jessica stops breathing. I hear Jessica whisper "I'll see you again soon" as a tear falls from her eye.

"YOU MONSTER!" Jordan yelled at me "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS, THIS IS INHUMAN! YOU... YOU MONSTER!" Jordan wipes her tears, and stands up. "It's all part of my job, I had to kill her or she would hurt you, and I really like you! I don't want you to get hurt" I said "Now, she'll fall for my plan!" I think to myself. "What!?! Are you stupid?! You just killed my Best friend and think I'll Just swoon for you the moment you tell me you like me! I'm not stupid like you! Job or not screw you! Go DIE" Jordan Pulls out her phone and i slap it out of her hand "No, You're coming with me" I say "what! I'm not going anywhere with you!" I smirked "It's either that or die" I smiled from ear to ear. "What is wrong with you? This isn't funny" Jordan backed up. I didn't notice she had picked up her phone and dialed the cops. "You wanna die then! *I chuckle* That's fine with me!" I quickly ran towards Jordan and said "Hahaha it's a prank you fell for it!" Hit the button to hang up and grab Jordans arms and push her down on the ground and put her in a headlock. "Fight and you die," Jordan gasps.

I smile "Well my plan failed, but I can still force her to love me!" I thought to myself. I hit Jordan in the head, and she passed out. "Did you really have to go that far as to kill Jessica?" Ava asked me as she was coming out of the woods. "Well yeah, she burned down my house, tried to kill me in the process, and the fake apology was stupid. I don't regret hitting Jordan, and it had to be done. We can't kill her yet, she's still useful. But she is on the last straw, she didn't have to revive her parents after I killed them, Jessica basicly betrayed me, I didn't expect her to actually kill you." A person walks out from behind the trees. It was james.

Jordan Pov.

Willam just hit me... "What is wrong with him?" I thought to myself. "He killed Jessica, what would he do to me? I trusted him..." I wanted to cry but I couldn't move. I slowly become aware of my surroundings. I hear Willam beside me... He's talking to someone... But who? I hear another person's footsteps crunch with the leaves on the ground. The person started talking to Willam... I recognise the voice... It's Ava. "Did you really have to go as far as to kill jessica?" Ava asked Willam. "She was in on this too! " I start panicking. I heard Wiliam say something but I didn't hear what... then I heard another person's footsteps with the crunch of the leaves, and the snap of a branch. I heard laughing... it was James "Kinda thought he would be in it too..." I thought to myself. James said that I was weak and that made me mad. I wanted to be able to open my eyes and move but I couldn't. "What did William do to me!?!" I thought to myself, the thought of what he could have done to me scared me. "He could have paralyzed me... it's only temporary right?" William's footsteps got closer to me as did Ava's and James' footsteps. "Let's take her back to base," William said. I was lifted off the ground by what it sounded like William and Ava. I was basically dragged like a dead body. The sounds of William talking were quickly fading and I realized I was falling deeper into a slumber and I started to dream. My dream was so realistic I had forgotten what had just happened. In my dream everything was perfect, Jessica was alive, James and I were on good terms, and William and I liked each other. Perfect, too perfect, and I knew it but I chose to ignore it cause dreams have meanings. Maybe if I had never agreed to go over to Jessica's house, maybe that could be us, but we all know that's not true.

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