Part 9

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There was a loud thud that sounded like a body hitting the ground. I stayed still on the ground until I felt a large hand take my hand and turn me over. I noticed Jessica staring at the person looking at me stunned. It wasn't landess, he was unconscious, and it wasn't Ella ... Then who was it? I looked up at the person and immediately regretted it. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Why the Fuck was William here?! I quickly slid back and hit my head on the wall. "Fuck!" I yelled in pain. We all heard the sounds of more people quickly approaching. "Come on Jordan we have to go!" Jessica yelled, pushing past William and pulling me off the ground. Jessica grabbed my wrist and quickly darted in the direction that we came in. I noticed William grab something off the ground and follow behind us. My whole body was aching and I just wanted to sit down.

We ran out the door even after I looked back and saw that we were being chased. We didn't stop. "Jordan!" William yelled as he stopped running. Jessica and I stopped running as he threw me some keys that looked like they belonged to a car. "I'm sorry for everything." I looked up at him confused. The agents chasing us got closer. "Now go! I'll hold them off!" William Turned around and ran back towards the agents chasing us. "Come on Jordan" Jessica pulled my wrist again and I continued to run away with her. I pressed the unlock button on the keys and sure enough it unlocked a car. Jessica quickly got into the passenger side as I got into the driver side. I locked the doors and started the car. Jessica pointed to the exit. I looked into the rearview mirror and saw William fighting all of those agents. It broke my heart. He was fighting for me. I pulled the car into reverse and backed up quickly and turned around. I drove towards William and the other agents. "What are you doing Jordan" Jessica Yells in my ear. I ignored her and continued to drive towards William and the guards.

I did an illegal swerve and unlocked the doors, hitting the guards with the car but just barely missing William. William looked at me confused and I pointed to him to get in the car. William got into the backseat of the car and shut the door quickly. I locked the doors. I could hear Williams panting in the backseat. It reminded me of something but I couldn't put my finger on it. I quickly sped away to the exit Jessica pointed at. After about 5 minutes of checking if we were being tailed. We Weren't. The closest place I thought we could go to was the school. No one would be there because it was after school hours. We could go to the nurses office to get patched up. Everyone was quiet the entire time that we were driving to the school. The only thing that was breaking the silence was William's heavy breathing.

What was that reminding me of? I still couldn't remember. It reminded me of something. I was stressing out on what it was reminding me of. We pulled into the back entrance of the school. The door was normally unlocked so we could get in easily. Before we went inside we took a minute in the car to relax a little bit. I looked into the rearview mirror and saw that William was covered in blood. His nose looked like it was broken. We were all pretty beaten up. "Okay. Let's go in" I said, breaking the silence. Jessica and William both looked at me. I unlocked the doors and got out of the car. Jessica got out of the car before William. I walked up to the back door and sure enough it was unlocked. I held the door open for Jessica and William to walk in, I walked in behind them.

The sound of William's panting still echoed in my ears as we walked into the Nurses office. I decided to brush it off and started looking around for medical supplies. I instructed William to sit down in a chair as I started to tend to his wounds. I started cleaning the cut on William's nose. He groaned in pain. I pulled away the wipe for a second. Oh god. I continued to clean out the cut on William's nose. After I was done cleaning the cut I put a bandage on it. I threw away the dirty wipes and pointed to Jessica for her to sit down. Jessica was leaning on a counter. I closely looked at Jessica's face, arms, and legs. She had a couple cuts on her face and legs. Nothing on her arms. I cleaned the cuts on her face. The cuts on her face weren't bleeding still so I didn't put a bandage on the cuts. The cuts on her legs were kinda deep and still bleeding. She probably got these from landess. Jessica still had her oboe in her hand and she set it gently on the ground. I cut her pant-leg open with some sizzors and started cleaning her wound. The outfit Jessica was wearing was a gray shirt and blue jeans.

I finished cleaning her wound and she only flinched a little. I started wrapping her leg up tightly. After I finished Jessica sat me down on the chair. We never said anything. As she tended to the cuts and cleaned up the blood on my face, all I could do was stare in her eyes. She had beautiful blue eyes. I smiled at her. I was grateful to her for cleaning up my face after I tended to her wounds. Jessica started cleaning up the blood near my nose and she accidentally touched my nose. I groaned in pain. I was kinda loud. William stared at me. I think his mind went somewhere else because he smiled and looked away. I didn't say anything and William just picked up a magazine and started reading it.

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