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J U N G K O O K08 | I want her

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08 | I want her

"Then you have to say yes because I will take you out with me tomorrow. Only you and me," I muttered, my voice was hoarse yet as gentle as it could as my intense dark eyes melted into her timid honey eyes before they shyly and slowly flickered down at my hard chest as she gently removed her small hands from my black tailored coat.

While I waited for her reply, she quietly stepped away from me, leaving me with her faded sweet warmth before she slowly strolled toward the window there without meeting my dark eyes filled with haze at her strange behavior.

"Did she just reject me?" My jaw clenched, my rough palms clutched in tight fists at the thought. My dark, fierce gaze snapped at her small frame; her little fists grasped her red gown at her sides, her warm flame eyes looking adorably at the night sky while her thick heavy waist-length hair waved as the cold wind blushed her softly. I stood there glimpsing at her goddess figure until I found myself yielded, walking to her alluring beauty.

She slightly shifted when she felt my presence behind her, I pulled her gently to me. I tilted my face down at her ear and breathed in her intoxicating aroma before I whispered slowly against the shell of her ear. "Did you just walk away from me, little one?"

I heard her taking a sharp breath, biting down her lower lips in nervousness before she finally decided to speak.

"N-no. See my garden. Isn't it so beautiful and peaceful?" She softly shattered and pointed her tiny clean finger at the flowery garden in front of us. I looked at it and hummed in response.

"Before Mumma and Papa didn't allow me to go out there but now I used to go there every day and that's where I found Raven, isn't that cool?!" Sofia brightly spoke with her sweet voice and flickered her twinkled eyes up at me yet my mind snapped and my eyes turned darkened in rage at the thought of her life locked up in this room where she wasn't even allowed to go out in the garden. What the fuck!

My dark eyes narrowed as they looked down at her. Cool? My foot!

"And why didn't your parents allow you to go to the garden, little one?" I finally asked, demanded. Silently turning her around to glimpse at her pretty face.

"Papa said that it isn't safe for me to go out and meet any new people so I always stay in my room and Mumma said that I will leave one day anyway with my husband and he will take me anywhere I want to go. They just want to umm protect me, Sir." She spoke with her sweet voice like it was so normal to her yet after listening to her I felt nothing but pure agitation.

A deep, harsh humorless chuckle escaped my throat as I controlled the tugging raging in me. I slowly stepped back a little and glanced down at the innocent and pure eyes glimpsing at my dark blaze eyes in bewilderment.

Did she just say that her parents locked her entire eighteen years of life in a room, all in the name of protection? Was it how Marin and Seojun's dark intentions molded her that she couldn't distinguish between a dark possession and genuine care?

𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐖𝐈𝐅𝐄 | 𝗝𝗝𝗞Where stories live. Discover now