And I'll be your last.

Oh shit, fuck. Where the hell did that come from?

"I'm sorry if I invaded your space last night." Sean scoffed at me and pulled me impossibly closer. His voice was still deep and magnetizing.

"Shut up, Truceson." Pleasure rippled in my body as he said my full name. 

He rarely does, which I've come to love. It made him even more special. But him saying my name? It did something to me. 

"You're so soft." He hummed out and ran his hand shamelessly up and down my chest, feeling the skin there. "And you smell good." I heard him take in a deep breath and I closed my eyes to relish in the feelings.

"You and these compliments, Sean." I tried to sound stern, but my voice came out almost breathless as he continued to rub up and down my chest.

"What about them?"

"Nothing, you're sweet. Is all." I felt my cheeks burning up from the admission. Unlike Sean, I wasn't one to give compliments freely. I always had a hard time saying what I felt.

"If my family could hear you now, they wouldn't believe you." 

"Why is that?" I moved my hand and rested it against his wrist. Nerves filled me as I waited for him to pull away from touch but it never came. In fact, it seemed he pressed his arm further into it.

"Well, remember when I told you that my town back home saw me as an asshole?" I nodded, "Some of that anger was also directed towards my family. Only Sloan knows who I am really, the rest of my family only saw what I showed them." 

There was a heavy sadness in his voice and I wanted nothing more than to ease it.

"I understand. But from what you've told me, you still have family that loves you in spite of it. Which is...awesome." I shrugged, running my thumb across his wrist.

"Yeah, you're right. Speaking of which they will be here next weekend."

"All of them?"

"Pretty much. It was supposed to be a surprise but Sloan is terrible at keeping secrets. Which you'll find out eventually."

My heart shouldn't have flipped the way it did at the mention of a somewhat future. We just started this thing between us. Whatever it was. Were we ready for this? Was I ready for it? Being with a guy...seeing a future with him...? This all seemed so surreal.

"What are you doing tonight?" I found myself asking. 

"I've got Milans' ballet recital and then dinner afterward." 

A frown sat on my face. I know that he and Ria are nothing more than friends but for some reason, it still didn't ease me. I didn't like the fact they were so free and open with each other. Or the fact that she always was touching on him and calling him 'her love'.

"What's wrong? I can tell you're angry." Sean asked, pulling me from my spiral.

"I'm not angry." I was seething.

"I'm laying on your jaw, I can feel the tension. Come on," He patted my stomach. "Talk to me."

"Nothing, just--you know, you and Ria have fun tonight." I sounded so stupid and jealous and I had no fucking right to be. Sean and I were still new and trying things out. We weren't officially together...he could still do whatever he wanted. 

But even the thought of him having someone else in his bed after me made me want to...hurt something.

"Baby," He said sternly, the pet name immediately silenced the thoughts in my head. "She's my friend. And I'm gay. You know this." His voice was gentle and calming, but there was still a sternness in it that eased my anxiety. "And if you would have waited five seconds before freaking out, you would have heard me asking you to come. It will be Ria and Ty, and then you and me. Little double date."

"A date?" That's the only part I heard which apparently Sean found funny.

"Yes, a date. Only if you want to of course." 

"Yeah, yeah I want to." I spat out as quickly as I could. Sean nuzzled closer to me which I didn't think was possible.

"Okay good." My hand was still firmly on his wrist as he moved his hand up my torso and my pecs. His finger lightly traced over my collarbone and this time I couldn't stop the shiver that racked through me. Sean definitely could feel that.

"Are you sure you aren't annoyed with me?" I felt my insecurities push to the surface and explode out of me before I could stop them.

"Annoyed? What are you talking about?"

"I don't know. Is it normal to see each other days in a row? Don't you need your alone time or--or--?" I trailed, not wanting to let him know even more just how inexperienced in relationships I was.

"I don't give a single fuck about what's normal or not. I want you here." Fuck I wish I could see his face. I bet his eyes were all stern and enticing.

"Yeah?" I asked, still unsure.

"Yeah baby boy, I want you here." My cock jerked in my pants, an unprecedented reaction that I was not prepared for. Why the fuck did I like being called that? I was the older one! "All day, and then all night. And then tomorrow until we leave for work and then after that. You don't have to leave unless you want to." 

"Are you--are you seeing anyone else?" I inwardly groaned at myself.

Way to go Truceson, you're going to run him off with all your questions.

"If you are--that's c-- I mean, you can do whatever--I just--" I was cut off by Sean pulling away from me but only for a moment. He grabbed my face with his hand and turned me to look at him. His eyes were piercing and heavy, and he looked very awake now.

"I'm only going to say this once, you understand?" I nodded, his grip tight on my jaw, but not hurting. "You're the only one I want. There's no one else. I'm right here. Until you say go, I'm not. Do you understand?" I slowly nodded unable to speak. "Say it. Say you understand."

"I understand." I'd never spoken so quickly in my life. But something about him...he was so demanding and dominant that it made me want to...please him. Give him whatever he wants without hesitation. 

This is a brand new side of myself I've never known.

His eyes flicked from my eyes as he loosened his grip on my jaw. But rubbed his thumb against the areas it was pressed against. Now his eyes were planted on my lips and heat erupted...was he...? Was this...? Maybe he was--my stomach interrupted my train of thought with the loudest rumble ever. Sean chuckled and started to pull away from me, much to my dismay.

"Come on, let's go eat. And you still need to tell me what happened with Dae." He patted my chest before walking away leaving me in his bed alone.

"Fuck you, stomach," I whispered to myself. "Fuck you."


Guys I am really trying to work on my dialogue! I hope this was good for you all! Not as long as I'd like but it's longer than what it would have been. I hope you all LOVE the progress here. Also can't believe it's already chapter 21...CRAZY...

Let me know your thoughts.

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Until the next!

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