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Truceson's POV

"Sit." Sean pulled out a chair that sat underneath the bar in the kitchen and I obeyed.

He was using this tone with me and I had no choice but to listen to him. And what's fucking worse was I didn't even want to protest. Probably because he came bolting down the alley like fucking superman and destroyed those guys that jumped me. I will say they got a few hits in on me before he came but fuck I was glad he was there.

I don't know how he saw me, or how he found me. But I honestly didn't care. If he hadn't shown up, fuck who knows what would have happened.

I slowly sat in the chair that he pulled out for me and I winced. The pain was excruciating and one punch broke the skin and I could feel blood pouring out of me. 

"Jacket. Shirt. Off." He pointed before leaving me in there. Sean looked even more pissed than I was, which was strange, to say the least. 

After all that I've done and treated the guy he still came to my fucking rescue.

It made me feel...weird.

I slowly took my suit jacket off and laid it on the counter. My body ached with every single movement. Then I did the same with my shirt. Leaving me shirtless in a random man's house. I should be scared. But I'm not. And that in itself is a terrifying thought. I reached my good arm up and yanked the hair tie out my hair and let it fall freely.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and of course, the fucking screen was cracked. I sighed and sat it on the counter. Seconds later Sean was back, his arm full of supplies. His eyes looked at my very bruised stomach and darkened. But then they went to my chest which held my only tattoos and a look of curiosity was in them.

When he told me he was gay earlier, to be honest, I was just oddly relieved he wasn't dating Ria. Why? Fuck if I know. 

But most times when I man says he's gay I stay away. I didn't want anyone to assume anything about me. Yet for some reason, with Sean it's different.

"I've got to clean it. It's going to sting." He finally spoke as he set down the supplies. Of course at the mention of someone doing anything for me I tensed up.

"I can do it." I gritted out, but Sean stared down at me with those green eyes and my breath caught. He didn't have to speak or do anything. I already knew that was his way of telling me no. I sighed and leaned back and lifted my arm to rest on the counter so he could see the cut. 

He scooted the chair he sat in forward and he sat between my now spread legs. His eyes zeroed in on my stomach as he started to clean it. He pressed a wet cotton swab against me and started wiping the old blood away. I couldn't help but watch as his eyebrows scrunched together as he focused. 

His fingers every once in a while brushed my skin and it shot sparks through my body. In the most intense fucking way.

Get ahold of yourself, Truceson.

Once it was clean, he wiped the opening and I hissed in pain. Sean kept his eyes firm on the cut but his hand stopped moving. I realized he was waiting for me to tell him it was okay. 

"I'm good," I grunted, and this time I braced myself for the feeling. I kept my hands in a tight fist as he cleaned it, not wanting to interrupt so I could get this over with. After a few more swipes he was done and he sighed.

"It's not deep enough to where you need stitches," He turns and grabs a few pieces of tape and places them on me. "I'll cover this, then I'm going to have you wrap up with an ice pack and ace bandage."

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