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Truceson's POV

I woke up to the sun hitting my face from the opened blinds and a smile on my stupid face. Also, I woke up to us cuddling...which isn't how we went to sleep. To keep it respectful we both laid on the opposite sides of his giant bed. Not even anywhere close to touching.

Yet here we are. Sean's giant beefy arm wrapped around my waist underneath the sweatshirt I was wearing. It was firmly gripping my stomach in the best way. My back pressed against his chest, and his head lay on top of my head, squishing my face into the pillow.

I didn't want to move.

He was so warm, and his hands were so big...his thumb traced over one of my abs with a small stroke. But it sent a shiver through my body. I'd never been touched like this before. But fuck...I needed to piss. But I didn't want to move. 

I waited as long as I could before it got unbearable. If I slowly slide my way out maybe I can come back before he realizes I am gone. 

I started to slide from underneath him but at the first movement, I felt Sean jerk. 

"Oh--oh shit, I'm sorry." He croaked out. His already deep voice, so much fucking deeper than it already was. I liked it. A lot. He started to pull away but I immediately grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"I have to use the bathroom but don't move, okay? I'll be right back." 

"Huh?" Sean was still trying to wake up, eyes barely opened.

"Don't move. I'll be right back." 

"Okay, I won't move." He mumbled and rested his arm in the place I was just lying.

I don't think I've ever used the bathroom so fast. While I was in there I washed my face and fixed my hair. I wanted to look somewhat presentable. I looked in the mirror and for once I looked fucking refreshed. I didn't have my usual bags under my eyes or wake up with the feeling of dread. I felt...good. I looked down at the sweatshirt and decided, fuck it. I took it off and I stared at myself shirtless. 

I was a built guy, of course nowhere near as much as Sean. But, I had abs and my arms were toned and I had strong legs. The sweats were hanging low on my hips showing off my Calvin Klein band on my underwear and I took a deep breath before walking out.

Sean was still in the same spot, his eyes closed. I instantly regretted taking my sweatshirt off, because I was looking at a shirtless Sean. Damn it! What if he thinks I did this to be a fucking creep? It's not too late to go put--

"Truce, come here," Sean mumbled, his eyes still closed. I took a deep breath and walked back to the side of the bed and slid back into my spot.

Sean lifted his arm and face from the pillow until I was back and then he laid his arm across my stomach, pulling me into him. Putting his face on top of my mine like before. His warmth was so much stronger, and his natural scent was too. Those damn sparks were there and they crawled up and down my back. He ran his hand up and down my chest and hummed.

"Where'd your shirt go?"

"Oh--um I got hot in the bathroom," I responded, hoping he couldn't catch my lie. He hummed a response and sighed.

"Are you okay with this?" He whispered, rubbing his thumb back and forth.

"More than okay," I found myself saying, and I cursed myself for sounding so desperate. "I've never cuddled before you know,"

"Mmm, neither have I." 

"What? Really?" If I could turn my face to look at him I would.

"Yeah. You're my first." He said so casually. I don't know why but that made me feel incredibly special.

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