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Sean's POV

After the encounter with Truce, there was no way I could go to the gym. No amount of working out would be able to clear my head. Truce is gay, which doesn't mean shit unless he's gay for me. And by the looks of seems like a big fat no.

I came home and I put on my favorite pj's, which are thick fleece and covered in pigs. I then covered myself with my heated blanket and lay locked up in my room. It was supposed to storm tonight and like the big wuss I am, I'm scared of them...terrified actually. I made sure all the blinds were closed and it was dark so I could sit and sulk in peace.

I told Ty and Ria that I was going to be on the phone with family tonight, and then I told my family I was hanging out with Ria and Ty. 

I hadn't even eaten anything yet or wanted to. That in itself was already weird and strange for me. Since I eat all the time. But I just didn't have the energy to cook. I didn't have the energy other than to lay here and wallow in self-pity. 

Be alone with my thoughts.

I don't know what I expected from Truce, but it definitely wasn't his confession. Which made me wonder though was he jealous? At least just a little bit? Or even worse...was he is having a secret relationship with Shane?

Oh, fuck him! Fuck Shane. 

It makes sense why he would flirt with me, to make Truce jealous, especially if his fiance is there. He could have seen me as an easy target to tease and rile up. He could--

There was a faint knock on my door and for a second I thought I was hallucinating. Then the doorbell rang and I sat straight up. The thought of changing my clothes didn't cross my mind as I walked out of my room and towards the door. I had closed all my blinds but from the looks of it, it was already dark and gray outside. 

I opened the door, not bothering to look through the peephole. But I instantly regretted that I didn't. There stood Truce with two bags of food in his hands. His hair was loose and he was no longer wearing a suit. Instead, he was wearing the sweats that I had given him all those nights ago.

What the fuck is going on?

"Oh, um, I'm sorry, I should have called or texted or something. I--I brought some food, pho, I don't know if you've had it or not. I was going to go find you at the gym, but Ty said you were out today, so-- I thought maybe we could talk, and I also should Apolo--wait are those pigs?" His eyes went to my shirt and I stilled. But before I could comment, there was a giant clap of thunder and I flinched.

"Come inside," I said quickly, which threw Truce off slightly. He stepped in and I immediately closed the door and locked it. "Sorry, I--I'm--I don't like thunderstorms," I admitted as I ran my hand through my hair.

"You're scared of thunderstorms?" He raised a brow at me and had a faint smirk on his face.

"I didn't say that. I just prefer to be inside when they are happening." I stepped toward him and Truce sucked in a sharp breath. 

Why? No clue. I grabbed the bags from his hands as we kept heavy eye contact with each other. His scent hit my nose, so much stronger being this close. Yuna even purred which was strange for him. Extremely strange. 

I stepped away once the bags were in hand and I set them on the counter in the kitchen.

"What are you doing here, Truce?" I didn't turn around as I unpacked the bags. Unable to face what he might say to me.

"I'm sorry. For how I yelled at you. That was never for me to say! Well not never-- I just--I didn't mean to say anything or tell anyone or--fuck, I'm royally fucking this up. Okay, look, yes, I'm a fucking asshole. I know this. I'm rude to everyone except the people that deserve it. And especially to you because somehow you've made me admit things to myself that I haven't even thought of in years. Yet some fucking how I said it to you so easily. And that scared me."

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