Chapter 25: Will Yoongi Give The Omegas A Chance?

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Previous Chapter:

Jungkook: Hang his body for everyone to see. They'll think twice before raping anyone.

Yeonjun nodded and signed his men to do that.

Yeonjun spat at Hanjin's dead body before teleporting with Jungkook back to the castle.

Author's POV:

After Jungkook teleported to the mansion together with Yeonjun, he started walking to the dungeons.

Yeonjun: Where are you going, Jungkook?

Yeonjun asked, looking confused at Jungkook.

Jungkook: I'm going to meet Yoongi.

Yeonjun nodded his head without asking any more questions.

When Jungkook reached Yoongi's cell, he walked in.

He looked at Yoongi, who looked very thin and weak.

Jungkook stared at him emotionlessly.

After a few minutes, he started walking towards the weak and thin alpha.

Jungkook knelt down and looked at Yoongi.

Yoongi slowly raised his head when he felt a presence in front of him.

Yoongi rolled his eyes before staring blankly at the wall.

Jungkook: Is your body hurting?

Jungkook asked with a concerned voice.

Yoongi: Why do you care?

Yoongi said coldly.

Jungkook sighed.

Jungkook: You are my mate. Whether we want it or not, we'll have a special connection. I want to give you and your brothers a chance. I don't want to, but I believe that the Moon Goddess chose the right mate for everyone.

Yoongi finally made eye contact with Jungkook.

Jungkook: Jin told me about your past. He told me how much you've changed. He told me why you started hating omegas so much. But you need to understand that not every single omega is like that.

Yoongi scoffed at him.

Yoongi: You all are the same. I didn't start believing that you all are cheaters and whores after my first breakup at the thought of maybe all aren't the same. I dated again, but when I fell in love, the same thing happened to me with another omega.

Jungkook: So you decided to judge millions of omegas because of just two omegas?

Jungkook said, raising his eyebrow.

Yoongi opened his mouth but didn't say anything.

He hated how Jungkook was right.





The first night when Jungkook came to Kim Mansion:

Jin sat down beside Jungkook, who was sitting there lost in thought.

Jin: Hey.

Jin said, trying to get Jungkook's attention.

Jungkook flinched and looked at Jin.

Jin: I'm sorry for how rude Yoongi was to you. He is like this because of his past."

Jungkook frowned.

Jungkook: Past?

Jin: Yes, his past. Yoongi was a very different person years ago. He was the only alpha back then who would respect omegas. It changed because of two omegas. Those two omegas had so much effect on him that he started hating every omega because of them.

Jungkook: Who were those omegas?

Jin: Lee Minjun and Min Hanyeol. Lee Minjun was Yoongi's first lover. They were in a relationship for 6 years. Yoongi was crazily in love with him. Yoongi would do anything Minjun would say. But one night when Yoongi went to Minjun's house, he found Minjun and another alpha naked in bed. Yoongi was furious. He even killed the alpha, but he didn't even raise his voice at Minjun. He isolated himself after Minjun told him that he was only using him for money. He wouldn't talk with anyone. After 1 year, he finally came out of his isolation. He slowly started turning back to his normal self. After 2 years, he decided to give a chance to another omega, Min Hanyeol. Yoongi was insecure about their relationship, but with a lot of love and care, Yoongi started believing in love again. But unfortunately, after 4 years, the same thing happened all over again. But that time, Yoongi killed both the alpha and Hanyeol. That time, Yoongi didn't start to isolate himself, but rather he turned very cold and rude. He would beat omegas and yell at them on a daily basis. He started having the belief that every omega is a cheater. So please, if he's rude sometimes, forgive him.

Jungkook nodded, deep in thought.






End of past:

Jungkook: I'm ready to give our relationship a chance. I believe that the Moon Goddess can't make a mistake. So if she thinks that we seven are made for each other, then I'll accept it. But we should respect each other. I hope that I can also see the loving and caring Yoongi.

Jungkook said gently and caressed Yoongi's cheeks.

Jungkook gave him a small peck.

Jungkook: I'm giving this relationship a chance for the Moon Goddess, but I hope that reason changes in the future. I'm going now. If you make a decision, tell the guards that you want to talk with me.

Jungkook gave him another peck before leaving the cell.

Yoongi stared at his departing figure with unknown feelings in his heart. Perhaps warmth?

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