Her ex wants her back

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I'm lying on the couch with my eyes closed trying to fall asleep while Taylor is already sleeping on top of me. My fingers delicately run up and down her back. She's been recording her version of reputation the last few weeks and is exhausted from working so hard. To say I'm proud of her is an understatement.

As I'm about to fall into a deep sleep, someone knocks on the door. "Fucks sake." I grumble and Taylor stirs on top of me.

She opens her eyes and yawns. "Is someone at the door?"

"Unfortunately. Whoever it is chose a bad time because I was two seconds away from taking a nap to get rid of my bad mood." Taylor chuckles and gives me a kiss.

"I love you and your mood swings." I giggle and give her another kiss. "I love you more, Tay."

We both stand up and as she yawns again and stretches, I walk over to the door and open it to see Joe, Taylor's ex, standing there. "What the hell do you want, Joe?" My voice is laced with attitude.

"I need to talk to Taylor." He pushes past me and comes into the house I share with Taylor. I scoff and shut the door. The fucking audacity of this man. I swear if men have one thing, it's the goddamn audacity.

Taylor's POV

I look over at the door and see my ex, Joe, push past my girlfriend. My eyes widen and I walk over to the both of them. "Joe what the fuck are you doing here?" I cross my arms and glare at him with storms in my eyes.

"I miss you, Taylor. What we had was special and one of a kind. I know you miss us. Don't even try to deny it." You scoff and I roll my eyes.

"Joe you treated me like shit. You made me feel worthless. You gaslighted me into believing that no one would care if I hid away and stepped out of the spotlight. You wanted me to give up my career. That's not even half of all the shit you put me through. I wouldn't take you back even if I was being held at gunpoint. Y/n treats me better than you ever did. Within the first month of Y/n and I's relationship, she made me feel more than you did throughout our entire relationship." I can feel my anger rising. You see my body language start to change and you come over to me, wrapping your arm around me instantly calming me down.

"Oh please, baby I can-"

I cut him off. "Don't call me baby." I try to keep calm, but his presence makes it hard to not get angry.

"I can treat you so much better than your raggedy girlfriend who's probably only with you for your money and fame. You ran from me. You're a weak, stupid, and overly sensitive bitch who cares too much about what other people think of her. Who fucking cares if people think you're a slut? They're right anyway."

My eyes fill with tears as your arm drops from its place on my waist and you walk the three feet over to Joe.

"Don't fucking talk about my girlfriend like that, you piece of shit." You glare at him, but he doesn't back down.

Instead of shutting down like normal, I take a small step towards my girlfriend who's currently a foot away from Joe. "Do you really miss me? Or did you come here to gloat that you're finally growing facial hair after looking like the child that you are for so many years?"

Joe snickers at me and his eyes look me up and down. I felt like I was going to be sick. He turns his head back towards you. "You see that mustache coming in, right?" He points towards his face.

One of your hands balls up into a fist and I quickly grab it and hold your hand so you don't do something you'll regret later. "Well, I'm not afraid of you or the dirt on your lip."

My eyes widen and I slap my hand over my mouth to keep in my laughter. Leave it to my girlfriend to make me laugh even when I feel like crawling into a hole and hiding away for the rest of my life.

"What did you just say to me?" His voice is laced with anger and he steps closer to you and my anxiety rises. I squeeze your hand three times and tears fill my eyes.

"You heard me, idiot. Now get the fuck out before I call Taylor's security and have you arrested for trespassing." You open the door and grab his arm, pushing him out the door. "Oh and one more thing, Joe. Take care of your eyes because clearly they're the only balls you'll ever have."

You slam the door in his face and lock it. You turn towards me and take me in your arms as I break down. You rub my back and whisper sweet nothings in my ear.

"It's okay, baby. I've got you." I pull away and cup your cheeks.

"Thank you for standing up for me. For a moment, I thought he was going to get physical with you and that scared me." I wipe my eyes.

"Always. I'd move mountains to keep you safe, Tay." You give me a kiss and wrap your arms around me again.

I break down again. "I love you so much, babygirl. To the moon and to saturn." I plant a kiss on your neck.

"I love you more, pretty. Forever and ever."


one day closer to TTPD!!! i'm genuinely so excited and ready to cry my eyes out

requests >>>>>>>>>>>>

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