- love hits like a truck -

Comincia dall'inizio

"Oxz..." Milo whispered out, the gun in his hand began to shake in shock. The men behind him looked at on in confusion, they waited for his orders.

Jamisen hesitated to step forward, the blood bath and villain scared him too much. But he made it behind Milo, nudging him. "Milo... Sir, don't hesitate again..."

The words were heard, but Milo kept his eyes on Oxzy. The hero was shielded by the villain, blocking his figure from the police. Only the hero looked back at Milo, eyes landed on each other.

Milo didn't know how to react. His vision was growing blurry, his hands with the gun in it shook. He wanted nothing more than to shoot the villain, to tear him away from the hero's arms. He didn't, watching the hero eye him from the comfort of the villains' hold. Milo didn't shoot.

Oxzy closed his eyes, opening them with a slight expression on his face. A small thanks, some small amount of understanding passed them.

Milo closed his eyes, his gun lowering. He hid the tears back, trying hard to fight off the urges. It wasn't right. What was happening in front of him was wrong, what he was thinking was wrong. He isn't that type of person, he won't try to be them.

With slow, steady movements, Milo lowered his gun. He put his hand up, ordering his men to do the same. They looked at him, then back to Pierce, confusion and fear clear on their faces. Even so, they did what they were told, lowering their guns.

Oxzy gave a small nod, holding tightly onto the villain's arm. Pierce lowered his head on top of Oxzy's, closing his eyes as he forced himself to use his last remaining energy. Black dust emerged under their feet, rising steadily up until it consumed both the hero and villain.

The warehouse was shadowed, the dust flew past the officers, giving the room a more clear appearance. The men looked shocked, there were much more bodies than they expected.

~The Grubs, Pierce's home~
The hero crashed into the bed, Pierce had managed to carry the man into the room from outside his home. The teleportation had worked for him, yet due to his dimming energy, he could only portal outside.

He leaned forward, panting at the amount of energy he used. When he opened his eyes, he stared at the unconscious hero. The man had teleported with him, Pierce normally doesn't do it with others. It messes with their mind, not being able to control the overwhelming amount of darkness like Pierce.

So, he made sure the hero was asleep, he would be out for a few minutes. The villain sighed, he felt his bones ache and his arms sore. He had to gain some energy, that would call for a comfortable space to be in for that. Pierce couldn't help but look back at Oxzy, it looked warm in between him.

He remembered the feeling of sleeping next to him, the warmth and comfort. He wanted to feel that again, but he realized he was still covered in blood. The hero would be horrified to be woken up and seeing the blood. Pierce sighed, knowing what he had to do before getting comfortable.

The villain washed himself up quickly, he made it quick even with his energy slowly dying. The man had finished, drying off his hair when the strands stuck to his tan skin, he shook it off.

The villain pulled a pair of gray sweats on, grabbing one of his non burnt T- shirts before pulling that on as well. He was about ready to collapse, his legs shaking from beneath him. He walked back into his room, looking at the hero laying on his bed.

The man was still sleeping silently, eyes closed and face giving a calming look. The man looked so at peace, so comfortable.

As gently as he could muster, the villain lifted the coves to lay next to him. He spread the sheets over him and the hero, making sure that the man was comfortable and not completely dressed down.

' Broken Image ' (boyXboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora