Chapter 12 - The Mission

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"Hey Leyu what's that?" Fayla (8) pointed to the sky.

"Huh?" Leyu (9) looked up to see a New Chen society airship.

Leyu grabbed her hand and ran towards the woods.

"Leyu where are we going?!" Fayla cried.

Leyu tightened her grip on Faylas hand. They ran to a big tree and climbed the branches. They were covered by the thick leaves.

Sweat dripped down Leyu's face and neck.

"I'm scared!" Fayla grabbed onto Leyu.

"Shh! Keep quiet and you'll be okay." Leyu attempted to calm her friend down by running her fingers through her dark gray hair.

Leyu heard footsteps. She covered trembling Fayla's mouth and buried Fayla's head in her chest.

Leyu jolted awake. She sighed.

"Just a dream." She was covered in sweat.

She slipped on her white cloak and put her hair up into her usual low bun with long bangs.

She climbed up the cliff and walked to the tree where everyone was waiting.

"You're finally here we've been waiting forever!" Meng groaned and spun her spear around.

"Okay everyone you know the drill, go to your points." Leyu ordered.

Everyone nodded and walked their separate ways.

Omni was trembling.

"You have us. You'll be okay." Naomi put her hand on her shoulder. She looked at Ganal and he Smiled.

"Naomi's right."


Meng and Mi were walking silently.

"I'm scared for Leyu." Mi said.

"Huh? Why would you be scared for Leyu? She's one of the strongest people I know. And that's a lot coming from me." Meng flexed her muscular arm.

Mi laughed and elbowed Meng.

"I know she's strong but if the attack comes to her point that's her against atleast a dozen war ships.

"And we're two non benders.  What if they come to our point." Meng said.

"Let's talk about something else. Wait doesn't the village we live in technically support the NCS?" Mi realized.

"Yeah but it's really only like the council and Filo's dad, the Mayor. And our support wouldn't matter anyway we are such a small village." Meng stated.

"Speaking of Filo, do you think there's something going on between him and Leyu?" Mi smirked.

"Definitely." Meng smiled.


Filo and Banai had already made it to their point.

The Resistance (book one) atla oc Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant