Chapter 3 - The waterbender

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"Light on your feet!" Yelled Wang. Nala (16) tried to knock over her opponent. But got knocked over with waterbending. "What a disgrace." Wang muttered.

"But how was that supposed to be fair Nalas a nonbender going up against a master waterbender!" Jade (18) argued.

"Hush it! She should be ready for anything!" Wang said.

Jade sighed.

"Vira!" Wang said. The young waterbender looked up at him.

"Fight again but don't use water bending." He ordered.
Vira (17) nodded and bended the water she had back into the bucket.

"You really think your gonna win just because I put my silly water away?" Vira smirked.

Nala gasped in offense and tripped Vira and flung her over her shoulder to the ground.

Nala shot Vira a boastful look.

Jade laughed to herself.

"You think this is funny?" Wang glared at Jade.
"No sir." Jade said.

"Training dismissed." Said Wang.


Jade went to her and Nalas room. Nala was sitting on the bed looking at her skinned elbows and knees.

"Nala what happened?!" Jade rushed over to her. Nala was trying to stop the blood. "What do you expect dad made me fight on concrete with no protection, because I apparently have to be ready for anything." She sighed. "I'm gonna go get some bandages." Jade walked out of her room.

Jade walked through the hallway, passing other people's rooms. She got to the storage closet and got a roll of bandages. She walked back to her room and bandaged Nala.

"Good job knocking Vira over. Someone needs to smack some sense into her." Jade balled her fist. Nala giggled.
Jade put her coat and gloves on.
"Where are you going?" Nala looked up.
"On a walk. I need some fresh air." Jade said.


Jade didn't realize how far she had walked until she found herself about 100 yards  outside the southern water tribe.
Out of nowhere a waterbender with curly brown hair grabbed her by the feet with water bending. She tried to earthbend but it was just all snow and ice.

"Let me go!" She struggled.
She started to get dragged to a cave. All of a sudden the waterbender tied her to an ice shard coming out of the ground.

"What are you doing?!" She yelled at him.
"The real question is what were you doing?" He said.
"I was taking a walk!" She spat.

"That's really suspicious considering a member of the New Chen Society is lurking outside our tribe." He said.

"Nayuk! I've been looking for you! Mom needs help with- what's going on?" A girl with unusual blonde hair walked in. "Rin,(11) I told you to stay at camp!" Nayuk (18)  yelled.

"Is this your new girlfriend?" She put her hands on her hips.

"NO!" Jade and Nayuk shouted.

"She is part of the new Chen society look at her coat."
He pointed to the badge embroidered into Jades coat. "New Chen society members that are benders have the type of bender they are put on their clothes and coats." He reached to touch the badge.

"Don't touch my badge." Jade kicked him.

"Oof!" He fell back.

"Woah, don't touch my brother!" Rin scolded. She splashed Jade with water bending.

Jade sighed.

"Can you just let me go now...." Jade groaned.
Nayuk thought for a second. "Fine but under one circumstance."

"What is it?"

"Meet me in this cave at midnight every night and you will give us information about the new Chen society. And In return I'll train you in watertribe style fighting so you know how to defend yourself without earthbending." Nayuk said.

Jade thought for a second then smirked.

"You know what... sure." She said.

Nayuk untied her.

"See you tomorrow." He shouted as she walked off. She smiled as she walked back to the new Chen society base.

She opened the door to her room. Nala was asleep on her bed by the window.
"Now where have you been.

She turned around to see her father standing in the doorway.

"I went on a walk and got lost." She said nervously.

Her father stared at her for a second and then continued down the hallway.

Of course Jade was going to give him false information. How stupid did he think she was?
She laid down on her bed an drifted off to sleep. Hearing Nalas soft snores from the other side of the room.


Hi guys! I'm so sorry this took me a long time to write I just didn't have much motivation.

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