Chapter 11 - The Plan

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"So what's the plan?" Meng asked.

"Good question, I'm still thinking." Leyu said.

"Sorry to burst your bubble guys, but I'm not ready for this." Omni stated.

They looked at Omni.

"Too bad." Meng said.

"I think for now we just need to get some rest. I'll try to think of something tonight. Meet back here tomorrow."

Everyone nodded and walked away.

"Wait, Leyu?" Omni grabbed her shoulder.

"Yeah?" Leyu turned around.

"What happened at the western air temple, and why couldn't I grow up there?" Omni asked.

"There was a New Chen Society attack. It was really bad. Killed lots of people."

Omni looked at Leyus eyes. She had an unusual soft look of sadness.

"Anyway I'll catch you later okay?" She waved and walked away.


"Omnis been gone awhile should we look for her?" Naomi asked Ganal.

"She's Omni. She'll find a way." Ganal yawned and walked towards his room.

"Very helpful." Naomi mumbled and went inside her and Omni's Room.

Naomi laid in her bed and thought of Lae. She saw her beautiful face but then it faded to when she was dying in Naomi's arms.

Naomi's smile faded and tears formed in her eyes.

She heard the door open and saw Omni walk in.

"Are you okay?" Omni looked at Naomi.

"Yeah, don't worry about me." Naomi smiled.

"Okay?" Omni laid down and soon fell asleep.

Naomi sighed and closed her eyes.


Ganal stretched and sat up. Fifi was curled up in his lap. "Good morning." Ganal patted Fifi's head.

He got ready and sat outside, listening to the birds. He finally could relax.

"Hey can you come with me to see some people in the forest?"

Ganal turned around to see Omni.

"What?" Ganal asked.

Omni sighed. "Just come with me."

Ganal followed her to Naomi, who was in her room.

"Don't ask questions just come with us." Omni said.

"Okay?" Omni got up and followed them. They got to the forest where the western wind resistance were talking.

"Who are these people?" Ganal asked.

"This is the Western Winds Resistance. They are like us! Just way more advanced." Omni said.

They all introduced themselves.

"Wait Banai how come you aren't in school?" Omni asked.

"I snuck out like I always do."

They all started giggling.

"Anyway the plan is we will stop the troops before they can get to the temple." Leyu pointed to a spot on a map.

"They will be coming in from here since this is where the ships dock. But just in case they dock somewhere else we will spread out around the island.

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