Chapter 16

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Holding hands, Jax and I ran towards the Farris wheel. When it stopped, we got on and sat down across from each other. I was already brimming with excitement before we even left the ground.
    When I looked over at Jax, I found that he was smiling at me. "What?" I asked. His wide smile did not falter.
    "I just like how excited you are." He said. I tilted my head slightly in a questioning manner. That came out of nowhere.
    The Ferris wheel suddenly started moving and I eagerly looked down as the ground got farther and farther away. My eyes darted around in every direction, admiring the view.
    We had been at the carnival so long that it was already getting dark. The moon was high in the sky as little lights strung around the carnival glowed with various colors. The whole sight was amazing.
As we neared the very top, I heard Jax chuckle slightly. I turned to look at him to find that his eyes were still glued to me. Did he even look away at all?
    Although it was all digital, the scenery around us was beautiful. Why was he not looking around? Why was he staring at me? Why was he still smiling?
"What?" I asked, but it did not come out as confidently as I wanted it to. His smile widened.
"I'm just thinking." He said.
"About what?"
"About how cute you are when you're excited." He watched in amusement as my face flushed bright red. I looked away, not able to maintain eye contact with him.
"You don't mean that." I mumbled.
"Sure I do." He said. Feeling something gently touch my cheek, I looked up as he slowly turned my face so that I was facing him. My breath caught in my throat as my heart pounded in my chest.
He gazed deep into my eyes, sparking a sensation of butterflies rapidly fluttering around inside of my stomach. What was going on? What was happening between us? Was it just my imagination or was he starting to learn in?
Before I could get any answers, the Ferris wheel stopped and Jax looked away. He had a slightly annoyed expression as he got off the Farris wheel, but he replaced it with a smile when he turned back to me.
    Holding out his hand, he helped me to the ground. "Thanks." I said with a smile.
    "Of course." His eyes shined when they looked down at me. "So, where to now?"
    I looked around the carnival. We had already done so much. We did everything I wanted to do. I was not sure what else there was.
    "I'm not sure." I said.
    "Sometimes they shoot off some fireworks." He said.
    "Fireworks?" My eyes lit up with excitement. "Really!"
    "Yeah. It should start sometime soon. We could go find a good place to watch them." He suggested.
    "That sounds great!" I said.
    He smiled. "Alright then. Follow me." As we walked, I realized that we were still holding hands. But I did not say anything or pull away. It somehow strangely felt nice.
We stopped on a small hill that had a bench on it. Finally letting go of my hand, Jax motioned to the bench. "Here we are." He said.
I sat down and he sat right beside me. Even without the fireworks the view was still beautiful. All the little lights around the carnival, glittering in the dark, were still just as pretty as they looked from the Ferris wheel.
"It's so beautiful." I said, hugging my giant stuffed animal against my chest.
"Yeah." Jax said. I turned to find him looking directly at me.
"When do you think the fireworks are gonna start?" I asked.
"Any moment now." He replied.
Less than a minute later, the first firework was launched into the sky. "There, look!" I said in excitement as I pointed at the sky. Several more fireworks followed it, filling the sky with a magical light. "Wow."
I watched in awe at the beautiful display as the sky exploded with magnificent colors. In the moment I felt completely relaxed and content. Without realizing what I was doing, I leaned against Jax.
Instead of pushing me away, Jax wrapped an arm around me. I looked up at him with a smile before averting my gaze back to the sky.
By the time the fireworks were over, I was warn out and exhausted from a full day of running around. I could barely even keep my eyes open.
"That... that was amazing." I said with a yawn.
"You tired?" Jax asked.
"No, no. Not at all." I said sleepily.
"You look tired." He insisted.
My eyelids were too heavy to keep open and so I let them close. "No. I'm... just resting... my eyes." I barely managed to say.
"You rest." Jax said. "I got you."
I could feel his arms wrap around me as I was lifted up. I felt myself being carried, but was too tired to open my eyes. I just relaxed, nuzzling against his chest as I enjoyed being in his embrace.
The last thing I remembered before falling asleep was something small and gentle pressed against my forehead. It felt like a kiss.

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