Chapter 4

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Ragatha stopped walking outside of a door that had a picture of a blue-haired mime wearing a red beret on it. "Well, here we are."
    This was my room? The picture looked nothing like me. "Uh, thanks for showing me here. I just need a moment to myself."
    "I completely understand." Ragatha said. "We'll all be waiting out here when you're ready." 
    I gave her a weak smile before entering my room. Inside was very minimalistic. Everything- the walls, the floor, the ceiling- was painted black and white. Against the wall opposite of the door was a bed that was the same color as the room and on the left wall was a mirror.
    Approaching the mirror, I gazed at my reflection. I was startled to find that I looked- well, I could not remember how I was supposed to look, but I did not think it was this. It was different and strange. I looked like an animated cartoon character. I was dressed in a mime costume with diamond shaped eyes and blue hair just like the picture on my door.
I looked very strange, but it was not necessarily a bad strange. If I had to get used to a new body in this digital world, this would not be so bad. But it still did not make up for the fact that I was trapped here.
Plopping myself down onto the bed, I stared up at the ceiling as my thoughts wandered off. Now that I was alone in the silence of my room, the anxiety from everything going on overwhelmed me even more. I tried to take some time to process all of it, but it only served to freak me out even more.
This was not a dream. I was trapped here! There was no way out! I could abstract! I was not sure exactly what that meant, but the mystery made it even more terrifying. What I knew was that the people who abstracted were no longer here. They did not escape, so did that mean... I shuddered. It was not good.
Suddenly there was a knock on my door. I ignored it, not feeling like getting up to answer it. When the knocking stopped I expected that whoever was out there would leave, but instead I heard the jiggling of the doorknob. My heart jumped as the door slowly swung open.
Propping myself up, I looked to see who entered. I relaxed slightly when I saw that it was only Jax. "Um, how did you get in?" I asked.
He twirled a golden key in his hand before pocketing it. "I got keys everywhere." He said with a sneaky smile and a suspicious look in his eyes.
That was strange. How and when did he get a key to my room? I only found my room just now."Uh, how?" I asked.
"Heh, that's not important." He said. I beg to differ. That was pretty important, but I put it aside. For now. Jax casually strode across my room and made himself comfortable, sitting down beside me on my bed. "How're you?"
I blinked at him, confused. What did he care? I mean, I guess it was nice of him to be concerned. If that was what was going on and he was not instead up to something. "Why do you ask?"
He smiled as his eyes seemed to hold a smirk. He stared at me with an unreadable expression for several long seconds. I could not tell what he was thinking but the way he looked so intently at me almost made me blush.
"We all gotta look out for each other." He said. "Besides, I wouldn't want anything to happen to something as pretty as you."
"What?" I could not help the light blush that spread across my cheeks. He smirked as he casually sprung to his feet.
"You seem fine now to me. What do you say we leave this stuffy room? I'm sure Caine's got an adventure ready for us."
I stared at him, unsure of what just happened. "Alright." I said as I stood up and followed him out of the room. I was not sure what it was, but there was something about this purple rabbit that intrigued me.

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