Chapter 7

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    I frantically looked around my surroundings. I was lost! The others were completely out of sight. I could not even hear their voices or footsteps, meaning that they must have been far away.
    Panic began to rise within me. I was already having a hard time finding my way out of here while I was with the group. How was I supposed to stand a chance at making it out of here when I was all by myself?
    As I was alone, the peaceful serenity of the liminal space began to get outweighed by its creepy factor. It was no longer comforting. Now it was just straight up unsettling and unnerving. The silence felt like it was directly attacking my ears, digging its way into my brain. I could not help but laugh, though I was not sure why.
    Attempting to steady myself, I slowly made my way through the rooms of pools, long eerie hall after long eerie hall. Large white pillars attached the tiled floor to the high ceiling. Some rooms had at least a dozen pillars while others did not have any at all.
One room I went into contained a deep pool that must have scooped down twenty feet and held no water. That room was much more closed off than the others and was dim with barely any light. Something about the scene sent a shiver down my spine. I did not dare to get close to the pool's edge for fear of falling in.
    As I continued walking down different halls and through different rooms, I felt more and more lost. The rooms were different but at the same time they were fundamentally the same. They all hade white walls, tall ceilings, bathroom-tiled floors, and tranquil pools. The pools varied in shape and the rooms varied in size and minor features, but there was not enough distinctive features for me to be able to tell them apart.
    It all felt like a maze of white walls. I could have sworn that I kept passing through the same rooms over and over again. Time dragged on. I was not sure how long I had been wandering around for but it felt like it was days.
    After a while I just sat down on the edge of one of the pools as I stared into the clear water. I had no idea what to do. There was no way I could find my own way out. Wandering around was getting me nowhere. Maybe it was time for me to just give up.
    A sudden noise caught my attention. The sudden sound abruptly sparking in the silence made my heart jump. As I turned to look, I let out a sigh of relief. It was Jax!

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