Chapter 5

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As Jax and I walked back to where the others were, I felt a little bit better than before. I was still a bit freaked out about everything that was happening, but at least I was not in danger or anything, right? I still hoped to be able to find a way out, but for now it would be nice to just take my mind off of things.
I was not sure what this "in house adventure" thing was, but it sounded interesting at least. Maybe it could distract me and help me take my mind off of everything. With nothing else to do, I was up for anything.
"Look who's back!" Caine said when he caught sight of me. Everyone was still where we had left them, except there was someone with them I had not seen yet. It was a weird bubble-thing with small black eyes and a large, pointy smile. It reminded me of packman if he were translucent and creepy. "Are you ready for an adventure!"
"Sure." I said with a shrug.
"Love the enthusiasm! Today's adventure is-."
"A quest for buried treasure!" The bubble said, cutting him off and finishing his thought.
"That's my line!" Caine yelled at the bubble before popping it. "Now, where was I?"
"I believe you were discussing an insect collection." The king chess piece said. I glanced over at him, confusion plastered on my face. What?
"Ah, yes. You're right!" Caine said. "The quest for buried treasure!" Did anything happening right now make any sense? Caine held up his hand and a map suddenly appeared in his grasp. Nope. Nothing made sense.
"So, what's this buried treasure?" Jax asked.
"I was just getting to that." Caine said before holding out the map for everyone to see. The only problem was that he was still floating in the air too high up for anyone to be able to completely make out what exactly the map said. "Using the map you will follow the path to where X marks the spot! Simple!"
    "You didn't answer my question." Jax said, though no one else seemed to hear. Or if they did, they ignored it.
"Yeah, I'm not doing that." Zooble said before walking away. Before she could get too far she let out a loud yell. I turned to see a bunch of red plastic-looking monkeys wearing pirate hats surrounding her. They knocked her over, making her fall apart, and each grabbed a piece of her, running off with it.
"Well there goes Zooble." Jax said, his voice completely impartial.
"Oh, did I forget to tell you that evil pirate monkeys will be doing everything they can to stop you?" Caine asked.
"Yes!" Ragatha said.
"Oh. Then oh well!"
"Should we go after her?" The one with the theater mask said.
"Nah, Gangle. Zooble can handle herself." Jax said. Gangle did not seem convinced, looking off with worry in the direction Zooble was taken.
"Maybe we'll bump into her on our way to find the treasure." I tried to reassure her. Gangle looked a little less worried.
"Alright then, let's go!" Jax said as he casually folded his arms behind his head.
Suddenly the map Caine was holding appeared in my hands. I looked up at him, confused at how he did that. "Good luck on your adventure!" He said as he waved us off. I looked down at the map as I stepped to the front of the group. So then off we were to buried treasure!

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