First Day, Bastards and Know-It-Alls

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Place: Slytherin Dorms, Dungeons, Hogwarts, Scotland
Date: 2nd of September, 1990
Time: 5:00 AM

'twas a cold morning for the first day of school. I took a bath and wore my school robes, I left a letter at Draco's table to say that I've gone first. I went to the kitchens and to the Hufflepuff Dorms I went. I went to the 3rd Year dormitories and headed to Cedric's bed. I tracked his magical signature which was on my locket that he gave. I saw him peacefully sleeping, his handsome face was kind of buried in the pillow but his body was upright.

"Ced, Ced, Cedwicccccc wake uppppp!", I tried waking him up but he was still out cold. I studied his body, (Cedric likes to sleep only on his boxers) I can see everything of him. There was some tenting in his crotch so I decided that what better way to wake him up is helping him out.

I pulled his boxers down and touched his cock. I started pumping it slowly and he groaned. I giggled at the sound he make. I continued pumping him hard and fast then soft and slow. After 10 minutes of handjob he finally came. When he came his eyes flew open, wide as saucers. He was shocked of his ejaculation.

"Hadrian? What did you do?", he said half asleep but then when he felt my hand on his cock he suddenly realized what happened. I took my hand which was full of Cedric's cum and licked it clean.

"Well, Cedric I went here to wake you up but you were asleep. I saw your dick tenting up so I decided to help.", I said with an innocent smile.

"Hey I don't know if I should be weirded out that my 11 year old mate just gave me a handjob or would I be happy that my 11 year old mate gave me a handjob", he laughed. "I'll take a bath so wait for me outside."

I waited for him outside and we strolled out near the lake. We were laughing and chatting not knowing that we had onlookers watching us from the windows. I pulled Cedric down and whispered, "Can you carry me on your back?". He laughed at me and carried me on his back, I kept kissing his cheeks and buried my head on his hair.

Meanwhile inside the castle people were gathering by the windows and started to speculate on why the Cedric Diggory was with the so-called Boy-Who-Lived. Albus saw the commotion and also watched through the window and saw the brat with Diggory so he planned to call the brat into his office later and scold him about his "relationship" with Diggory.

On the other hand, Harry has already seen the future and have asked Professor Snape to accompany him later. Both Cedric and him came back to the castle when the breakfast has begun. Cedric went to the Hufflepuff table and Harry went to the Slytherin one. When he finished his breakfast he went to the Gryffindor table to talk with Neville because he was the only one from their group who got sorted in Gryffindor. He was supposed to sit beside Neville when he was suddenly pulled by a redhead motherfucker.

"Oi Harry mate! Finally you came to me, your best mate! Come tell 'em that we're best mates and that you're not friends with those slimy bastards.", the weasel said with pride in his voice. I was immediately disgusted so I snapped back at him.

"What?! You and I will never be friends dear Ronald. You're a jerk and don't even get me started with your prejudiced views! Speaking of bastards aren't you one as well? I know that your father is our dear old motherfucking headmaster and that the Know-It-All is your half sister. Don't start with me because you'll have a world full of pain.", I whispered the last parts into his ears and when I saw his face. There was anger and fear, well mostly fear because they have been found out.

"Wha....what??? That's weird because my dad is Arthur Weasley.", he stammered. I looked at him and laughed.

"Oh my god dear Ronald seriously! You can never lie to me, after all you're facing against a natural legilimens and a person who has magi sight, which can see any types of bonds.", I laughed at him, people started staring at us, curious and confused on what's happening.

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