Hickeys, Fiancés and Heirships

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Place: Heir Suite, Potter Manor, Northern Ireland
Date: 1st of August, 1990
Time: 8:00 AM

Harry's POV:

I woke up with the same thought from last night but I tried to push it out of my mind for now because I need to prepare for the Declaration of Heirs after all I am the heir of 30 houses. I went to the bathroom, took a quick shower and wore my heir robes. I pulled back my hair into a ponytail with a green silk ribbon. I made sure that my rings were visible. I had my wand in my invisible wand holster that is attached on my arm. When I finished preparing I decided to go down to have breakfast.

No one was on the table yet, maybe Dad and Papa are still in their room. While waiting for them to come down I continued reading Lord of the Rings. Apparently it is a huge hit amongst muggles. I have never read it in my past timeline because Dudley never liked to read so I didn't know about it. All the books that I have read at the Dursley's were mostly cookbooks because Aunt Petunia, or rather Petunia because she isn't really my Aunt, wanted me to learn on how to cook gourmet foods so that she can boast that she can serve such dishes.

After an hour of waiting they both finally went down. I saw a red blotch in Papa's neck which I know is a hickey. Hmmm were they having sex again? I can't believe I have parents that are hornier than bunnies. I set my book down and greeted them.

"Good morning Dad, Papa. With Papa having that hickey in his neck, it looks like you both already had a great morning.", I said with an innocent and sweet smile. Dad was drinking coffee when I said that so he spewed it out. Papa on the other hand was blushing and trying to hide the hickey.

"Good morning to you Cub and yes we had a wonderful morning already, right Jamie?", Dad said with a mischievous glint in his eyes, which got Papa flustered.

"Oh yes Pup, your Dad and I did have a great morning, how about you? With the way your dressed you look like your ready already for later.", Papa said with a soft smile.

"Better be ready already Papa, you know me besides I am excited to see my friends later.", I said without lifting my gaze from my food.

"Dad and Papa did Uncle Moony write to the both of you too?", I asked but with the confused looks in their faces apparently Uncle Moony haven't wrote to them.
"What letter Pup?", they both asked with curiosity evident in their faces.

"He wrote to me last week that he would visit and his bringing someone special. Apparently he got a boyfriend while he was in France. A man named Adrian Xerxes Zabini, when I saw the Zabini named I immediately asked Blaise if he knows who he is. He said he is the Lord Zabini in the French Branch and was immediately enamored by Remus.", I explained with a slightly excited voice. Both of them were gaping on what they heard.

"Remus got a boyfriend?! So that's why he hasn't come home after 8 months!", Dad said with amused and betrayed tone, maybe because of the fact that Remus hasn't filled both of them with important news like that but they also looked happy that their friend is deciding to settle down.

"Dad, Papa that's just the first part of the letter. Remus is engaged to him now and he also said that he is pregnant and just found out a day before he wrote the letter.", I said nonchalantly. Again the news got them gaping.

"Remus is engaged and pregnant?!?", they both shrieked with betrayed looks plastered in their faces.

"James get ready to write a long letter and we shall prepare for a visit to France tomorrow! We have a dear friend of us to nag. I seriously can't believe that he wrote to Hadrian first. How can he do this to us!" , Dad said with a fake betrayed tone.

"Dad, Papa he didn't tell you because he didn't want you to go there and antagonize his man before he has a ring in his finger. Now that there's a ring on play he can finally tell you sooo yeahhh. He also knew that you would come to him after I told you so his fiancé already paid for an international portkey for us tomorrow.", I laughed at their faces, both of them were looking at each other with a gaping look. Sirius was the one who broke out of the shock first.

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