Old Coots, Brainless Banshees and Familiars

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Place: Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, Scotland
Date: 31st of July, 1990
Time: 7:00 AM

Dumbledore's POV:

All my plans are in shambles! I didn't expect that James would be alive! I lost my titles! My plan on being the Chief Warlock is now destroyed because I didn't get the brat's seats! Both his fathers have the most seats on the Wizenmagot, Black having the Blacks, Perciville, Crestfall, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Tudor, Lysanders, Rosenvale seats ,and also the French seats of Malfoi and Noir whilst Potter have the Potter, Peverell, Dubear, Fawley, Hufflepuff, Windsor, Masons, Snow and lo and behold the Silvertongue, he also has the French seats of Potier. The brat has some seat that have been given to him too, like the Rockwell, Williams, Nixus, Blishwick, Pendragon, Emrys, Le Fay, Gaunt, and Atlantus.

Just look at the power I could've gotten if I had known that James was alive. I found out about all the seats the brat has through an inheritance test that I did. I took a vial of the brat's blood which was meant to access his vaults first but now I used it to see how much I could get from the boy if I played my cards right.

If my first plan worked the way it should've I could've gotten Sirius into prison so I could become the brat's magical guardian and sent him to the Dursleys, which will make him submissive and defenseless against my machinations. If I became the brat's magical guardian, I would start funneling all the gold from his vault's into mine and I could've created a couple of other vaults for my children, Ron and Ginevra. That's right, the two youngest 'Weasleys' are mine! Molly and I started an affair behind Arthur's back, we were caught many times but with the help of memory charms and potions we got away with it.

I trained Ronald to become Harry's best friend so I could control the brat much better, I also prepared for Granger to become a part of their merry little band. She was also my child, I met Jonathan Granger and I rammed him good, fed him a couple of loyalty and love potions which I also mixed with the usage of the Imperius. I got him pregnant, his wife though was quite a problem that time. I took Jonathan to one of my properties and kept him there until he gave birth.

I charmed their memories for them to think that Jonathan got his wife pregnant and that they got little Hermione. I still take Jonathan and ram him every chance that I get. He is such a good submissive fuck toy. He was needed for my plan which was all for the 'greater good'.

Behind their backs I started training Hermione, I gave her books after books to study so she could become a know-it-all. She was a crucial part of the plan, Harry was meant to become dependent on her.

When the both were born I was ecstatic, I though my plans were coming true. I got Jonathan pregnant again, this time it was Ginevra. It wasn't Molly who gave birth to her, it was dear Jonathan Granger. I charmed their memories all over again. When he gave birth I took Ginevra to Molly so she could raise her. I memory charmed Arthur and Molly so they would think that Ginevra was theirs but after a month Molly broke the memory charm and I had to tell her the truth.

I made Ginny so that she could marry the Potter brat, when they got their firstborn male child they would claim all the seats legally and all the vaults, after that they would disown or kill the Potter boy.

It was a great plan but it was all foiled, my perfectly concocted plan was destroyed when James fucking Potter didn't die! It was all supposed to go the way I wanted! So here I am now planning again on how I would get the brat under my thumb. I just sent his compulsion-laced letter, it has compulsions to obey him, neglect his parents, go against his parents and to be weak against him. I'll start my plan tomorrow, on the first Wizengamot session of the year. All new heirs would be declared tomorrow and surely the brat would be there. I'll start by using a spell which is a dear cousin of our Imperius spell, it slowly corrupts and eats the mind of the person, then after it finishes the caster has complete control of the victim. Nobody would suspect a thing!

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