„Don't you feel the same? Are you ready?" I asked him, wondering what he was thinking. „I mean if the time isn't right right now, that's okay, I just wanted to let you know that I'm ready. We don't have to try right away, we-."

„Baby." He stopped me from rambling, a smile stretching over his face. „I am ready and I do feel the same. I'd love nothing more than to try and start a family. I just wanna make sure you're ready before we do anything." He said sweetly. „And about the timing...there's no such thing as perfect timing, especially with what we do, but that's okay. When it happens, it happens and it will be perfect." He said, making me feel a lot more at ease with this. „I love you so much and I'm so proud of you, baby." He leaned in to kiss my lips softly. „If you're ready, I'm more than happy to start trying."

„I am, I wanna start a family with you, Haz. As soon as possible." I smiled, my eyes getting teary.

„Then let's try and start a family." He smiled before he got up and sat down right next to me to pull me in his arms. „I love you so much."

„Love you even more, Harry." I kissed him again. „Can we just...can we maybe not tell our family or anyone about this? I don't wanna feel pressured by people asking in case...you know, in case it won't happen."

„Of course, love. Whatever feels right for you." He nodded, rubbing my back with his hand.

„Thank you." I leaned against his chest to just take in this moment. A moment I didn't think would come again. I didn't think I'd ever be able to say I'm ready after losing my baby. I didn't think I could eventually talk about this and move on enough for me to say that I was ready for a baby again.

Although Violet was a total surprise to us and we weren't planning on trying just then, we loved her more than anything and were so incredibly happy about the news. Even though we would move on a little, Harry and I would never ever forget Violet and the joy and happiness she brought us during the time we were waiting for her. We would never forget her and the fact that we would have a daughter if fate wasn't so cruel and took her from us.

„Violet would be 2 months old now." I said, completely lost in my thoughts and looked up at Harry.

„Yeah, she would. Thought of her as well today." He smiled softly at me, holding me even closer to his chest. „Was sitting in her nursery for a while this morning. I feel kind of closer to her whenever I'm in there."

I had no idea about that. I smiled back at him, burying my head in the crook of his neck. „That is beautiful. I just wish I'd got to see her and hold her...just once." I admitted to Harry. „I'd gove everything to hold and see her just once."

He rubbed my back soothingly. „I would too, sweetie...I wish that too. Wish I could feel what it's like and see what she looked like."

„I just know she'd be so beautiful." I said.

„Taking after you." Harry smiled against me and I chuckled.

„She'd definitely have your dimples." I told him. „And your green eyes that are so shiny and beautiful."

„She'd definitely come after you character wise. Strong and powerful, stubborn at times, but always so loving and truthful and so, so caring." He said, making my eyes water a bit.

„She'd be so perfect." I said quietly.

„She would." Harry nodded. „She'll always be the big sister to whoever decides to join our lives."

„The best big sister ever. Our little angel." Harry added and right then a little butterfly landed on top of his knee, making both of us smile.

„Yes, our little angel." I chuckled and kept looking at the butterfly that stayed for another few seconds before it took off and flew up into the blue sky. Harry and I watched until it disappeared and I leaned more into his embrace.

 Harry and I watched until it disappeared and I leaned more into his embrace

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