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this weekend was the race in monaco and i had finally got the keys to my house so i had moved in and tidied up my house all week. Charles and Arthur had helped when they had time and Lando had slept on an air mattress before the last furniture had arrived.

tomorrow was practice so we really needed to get everything done so everyone who could help us move in and unpack everything had to help us and since everyone was already in Monaco there were no problems.

Belle and Mercedes Brothers:

Belle:When do you come??the load of all the heavy furniture has arrived and Lando refuses to carry it.

Lulu:I'll be there in 10 minutes.

Princess George:I'll be a little late but I'm in a hurry.

I pestered Lando to help me with the furniture but he complained that his arms hurt. but I knew he was just lazy. Lando called Charles but he couldn't get through for an hour. I sighed and tried to carry the boxes up but it didn't take long before I dropped them.

"can you please help me or you have to call someone else here" I sighed to Lando.

"absolutely I'll call someone" Lando said and started to call someone on his cell phone.

Lewis and George came here after a while and happily helped. they carried in the sofa and the larger pieces of furniture while I unpacked all the moving boxes. Lando did nothing and lay on his mattress laughing at us. we were all getting annoyed that Lando wasn't doing anything.

The only thing Lando did well was put music on the speaker so the unpacking didn't feel as hard. We had forced Lando to unpack my things in the bathroom because none of the rest of us dared to let him unpack the glasses and stuff in the kitchen.

after a while there was a knock on the door and I went to open it while wondering who it was.

"what are you doing here"

"Lando called me and said he needed me to help clean up"

"of course he did" I sighed to myself.

"shall I come in and help?"

"I guess so, don't break anything Verstappen"

I let him in and did a quick house tour so he knew where everything was. When George and Lewis saw him they looked at me questioningly and I shook my head slightly. They must have seen that I was annoyed with my new guest so they didn't say anything. after showing him around i told him to unpack the things in the kitchen which he agreed to.

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