32 - Breathing Broken Things

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"Look who's here in the paddock today! Lee Heeseung, the Ferrari racer, makes a surprise appearance despite his recent injury." I hear the reporter say through the din of the paddock. Cameras flash and everyone is turning their attention towards me as I make my way through the crowd, leaning on a crutch for support. The injury still nagging at me but I still manage to smile and wave at the fans who seem happier than a kid in a candy store to see me here.

Lorenzo is walking toward me and I raise my eyebrows, not able to stop myself from smiling. It's been three days only and I already miss his nagging. "You shouldn't have pushed yourself to come here. You need to rest and recover properly." And yet, he looks like I'm the one thing he had been so worried about.

"I missed you. I couldn't stay away." I say, earning a chuckle from Lorenzo. "Trust me, I couldn't just sleep and lie in bed all day when I know I need to be behind the wheel. Plus, Jihoon cannot replace me for a long time. He still has to prove himself, and I need to make sure Ferrari doesn't lose its edge in my absence."

He shakes his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "You're too stubborn for your own good, Heeseung. But I'm glad you're here." I can tell he wants to say something more by the way he looks at me, concern etched in his eyes. "Do you know who attacked you? Or maybe you have any suspicions?"

It takes everything in me not to admit that Junseok has something to do with this attack. It takes everything in me to pretend that I don't have any suspicions, that I'm not haunted by the memory of his face twisted in rage when he said he would make me regret. "I don't know. It all happened so fast, and I didn't get a good look at the person who attacked me. But we'll do anything to catch him." I assure him, squeezing his hand before hobbling off with my crutch. 

The race is about to begin, and despite my injury, I can feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. The familiar hum of the engines, the smell of gasoline, the buzz of excitement in the air—it all fills me with a strong feeling of determination. When I make my way to Ferrari's garage, I can see the team bustling about, making final adjustments to the cars. Jihoon, my temporary replacement, is standing nearby, looking so nervous he could barely stand still. I know he has big shoes to fill, but I have faith in him and so, in an attempt to make him feel a little less overwhelmed, I place a hand on his shoulder. "Heeseung." He breathes, his eyes slightly widening, his smile not yet dimmed by Ferrari's reputation riding on his shoulders.

"You've got this. Having my seat today means you can show the world what you're made of. Trust your instincts, trust the car, and most importantly, trust yourself," I tell him, and in his eyes, I can see the fresh determination and the resolve to prove himself. He nods again, more confidently this time, and I can't help but be proud of him. Coming straight from Formula 2 to Ferrari in Formula 1 is no small feat, but I believe Jihoon has the potential to succeed. 

"Thank you. Really." He bows politely and I just nod, offering him a supportive smile before turning my attention back to the reason I'm here today. 

Junseok. He's standing at the edge of the paddock, his eyes fixed on me with something darker than mere surprise, something sinister lurking beneath the surface. I can feel a shiver run down my spine as our gazes lock, the memory of his threat echoing in my mind. I don't expect him to come to me, but he does, and the smirk he gives me tells me that he's not about to back down. "Hod did you find my little surprise?" His words cut through the air like a knife, each syllable dripping with venom.

I raise my eyebrow, keeping my tone neutral despite the unease gnawing at the pit of my stomach, "I'm not sure what you're talking about." 

"Oh, come on, Heeseung. Don't play dumb with me. You know exactly what I'm talking about." The way he laughs, the way he looks at me, the way I'm fighting the urge to wipe the smirk off his face with a well-placed punch—it's all too much to bear. "I asked him not to kill you. Where's the fun if you just drop dead without a little struggle?"

Every fiber of my being is screaming at me to lash out, to put an end to this twisted game once and for all. But I know that's exactly what Junseok wants—to see me lose control, to revel in my pain and fear. "You sent someone to kill me because you cannot stand losing to me on the track? Is that it?" I say through clenched teeth, my voice barely above a whisper. "Pathetic. If you think stabbing me will somehow make you a better racer, you're even more delusional than I thought."

He glares at me for a moment before he turns around and leaves. The spotlight is on me today and on Jihoon, and I refuse to let Junseok's threats distract me from what's important. Taking a deep breath, I make my way to the sidelines, watching as Jihoon takes his position in the Ferrari car. The engines roar to life, drowning out the surrounding sounds. The moment is here—the start of the race.

I'm leaning against the railway along with the rest of the team, my eyes glued to the track as the cars speed past, Jihoon holding his own against the competition. Despite the pain in my abdomen, I still find it in me to cheer him on, shouting encouragement along with the rest of the Ferrari crew. Every turn, every maneuver Jihoon executes flawlessly feels like a victory not just for him, but for the entire team. 

I'm thinking of Sena, of how she chose to stay with me even with her busy schedule. Today she went to visit her family so I'll give her space and time to herself. But even in her absence, her presence lingers in my thoughts and I'm nothing but a man yearning for his love to be by his side. Yes. Yes, she is my love. 

After multiple laps, Jake is the first to cross the finish line, placing Red Bull Racing in the lead. Cheers erupt from their pit as their team celebrates, but the race is far from over. Sunghoon places second, giving Mercedes their first podium of the season, while Jihoon manages to secure third place for Ferrari, much to the delight of the team. Jay is fourth and Junseok is seventh and that's enough to make me the most satisfied and happy man in the paddock. The results of the race have elevated the spirits of the Ferrari team, and despite the challenges we've faced, we've proven that we can still compete at the highest level.

Lorenzo's eyes are so wide that they seem ready to pop out of their sockets as he turns toward me. His excitement is contagious, and I can't help but share a triumphant grin with him. The team members run to Jihoon, lifting him on their shoulders as the cheers and applause continue to echo through the paddock. His victory lap is a moment of pure joy and I find myself happier for the team than I ever was before. "This is a win for Ferrari, Heeseung. And you played a damn important role in inspiring the team to push beyond their limits." I almost roll my eyes at him but instead, I laugh. All I did was yell and scream in frustration and annoy the shit out of them. But I'll take the compliment nonetheless.

I'm about to make my way toward Jihoon when my phone starts ringing and I expect to see Sena's name flashing on the screen but instead, it's Haruka's. My whole body freezes and my heart sinks the the deepest pit of my stomach before I answer, wondering just why she's calling me right now. "Hello?" I hate the fact that my voice betrays the unease I feel, but I can't help it.

"Heeseung," I hear her say, my name coming out like a plea. Like I'm her last hope. I glance around the paddock, the cheers of victory still ringing in my ears, while Haruka's voice on the other end of the line cuts through the celebration like a sharp knife. She's crying, I realize when I hear her uneven breaths. A knot tightens in my stomach at her next words, "I have leukemia. Heeseung, I-I don't know what to do. I'm scared."

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