26 - Blood & Silk

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"Do you think the red one is better?" I ask Steph while I stand in front of the big mirror at the boutique. If Heeseung says he likes it, I might as well get it. The slit in the dress shows all my leg, but it's elegant and sexy at the same time. I wonder how he'd react seeing it in real life. My cheeks warm up at the thought and I peek at the lingerie I'm wearing beneath the dress, a matching red set that I picked out specifically for tonight. I don't know why I have what I have in mind, but I'm thrilled about whatever might happen when I meet Heeseung.

"Definitely the red one," Steph replies with a grin. "Plus, it's a Ferrari thing, right?"

"Yeah, Heeseung did mention that." I smile, staring at my reflection in the mirror. I look hotter somehow, maybe it's the break-up glow-up everyone talks about. I can't wait to see Heeseung's reaction when he sees me in this dress. "Well then, I'll get this one."

"Don't you think you're into Heeseung a little too much?" When I turn to look at Steph, she's folding her arms against her chest and I know I'm about to hear one hell of a speech from her.

"What do you mean?" I ask, trying to sound casual even though my heart is racing. "He's just a friend." Not exactly a friend, but I don't know what we are. Yes, we're two people in a fake marriage, but what else? Yes, he kisses me and makes me feel like I'm the most important person in the world, but does that mean anything beyond the track? I'm not sure.

"A friend who makes you blush like a schoolgirl and who you dress up for like you're going on a date," She scoffs. "Come on, Sena. I know you better than that. You're into him, and it's obvious. I thought you'd be heartbroken for at least a few weeks before you realize Ujin is a dickhead and you move on but surprisingly, you're not even fazed by the breakup. You've shifted all your attention to Heeseung."

"I was heartbroken," I sigh. "But the realization that I deserve better really did hit me so hard I stopped caring about Ujin or whatever he's up to. Sure, I wanted to rip off his hair when I saw him with Hana the other day, but am I going to let him ruin my life? No way." I pause, considering Steph's words carefully. "And Heeseung... well I like him, there you go, I said it. When the world hands you a man who respects you, makes you feel beautiful, respected, loved, cared for, you'd be damned if you let him slip away, right?"

"Girl," All Steph does is chuckle and shake her head. "You've got it bad." She's right, I've got it bad. Heeseung is no longer just a fake fiancé or a racer I'm arranged to. He's someone who has managed to break down my walls and make me feel things I never thought possible. For the past few days, I'd found myself going to every single one of his practice sessions, watching him improve and excel on the track, with his black, fucking hot hair whipping in the wind. Every time he flashed me that crooked smile or locked eyes with me from across the pit lane, my heart skipped a beat. And now, standing here in this boutique, picking out a dress with the hope of impressing him, I realize just how deeply I've fallen.

We pay for the dress and make our way to the hairstylist who's supposed to work on my hair for the event. Tonight, I will be the most stunning woman at the event. That's what I tell myself when I sit in the salon chair, looking at myself in the mirror. I decided to cut my hair shorter, kinda for a fresh start, a new look. The hairstylist works their magic, and soon I'm left with locks that only reach my shoulders. I wonder what Heeseung would think of my new haircut. Would he like it? Would he run his fingers through it and tell me how beautiful I look? That I'm the most stunning woman he's ever seen?

The event goes well, and before I know it, it's already reaching its end. Everyone took photos of my look for the night and I'm sure those photos will be trending by tomorrow. Kang Sena, Lee Heeseung's fiancée, steals the spotlight once again. But amidst the flashing lights, I spot Hana across the room, staring at me, memorizing every single detail of my appearance. I wave at her, smiling as if her presence doesn't make me want to commit social homicide.

I don't know from where I'm getting all this confidence, but I find myself walking to her, my dress feeling like I'm coated with my enemies' blood. I'm the most powerful woman in the room, and I'm not going to let anyone ruin that for me. "Hana, fancy meeting you here." I stop a few steps away from her, crossing my arms casually as I stare at her.

"What a surprise indeed," She smiles, though it looks more strained than anything. "You got a haircut, I see."

"I know, it's unfortunate," I chuckle. "Now you'll have to cut your hair too. What a shame, Hana, you love it." The way she narrows her eyes at my comment tells me I hit a nerve. I know exactly how to push her buttons, and I'm not about to hold back. "Did you think stealing Ujin would make you happy? Or did you just enjoy playing the role of the other woman?" The words spill out of my mouth before I can stop them.

"I didn't steal anyone," She scoffs and I roll my eyes. What a pathetic excuse for a human being. "Ujin and I are together because we choose to be, not because of anyone else."

"Is that why he came begging me to go back to him, saying that you're nothing but a distraction?" I can see the anger flashing in Hana's eyes, and for a moment, I almost feel sorry for her. Almost. But then I remember all the pain and heartache she's caused, and the sympathy evaporates. "Hana, did you ever stop to wonder why Ujin is interested in you? Because you're a copy of me? A poor imitation of what he once had?" I lean in closer, my voice dropping to a low, dangerous tone. "You can try to replace me all you want, but you'll never be me. And deep down, Ujin knows that too."

With that, I give her a smug smile, relishing in the shock and anger written all over her face. Before she can respond, I turn on my heels and walk away while she burns holes into my back. She could go to hell for all I care, because right now, all I can think about is going back to Heeseung. All I can think of is the warmth of his smile, the way his eyes light up when he sees me, and the undeniable attraction between us. Hana's petty drama is nothing compared to the happiness I feel when I'm with him.

I check my phone when I get inside the car but there are no texts from him. I wonder what he's up to. Maybe he's cuddling with Raven or cooking dinner for the two of us. Warmth seeps through my body at the thought of him being so thoughtful and caring. But that's not what I'm met with when the car pulls up in front of his building and I make my way inside. That's not what I'm met with when I make my way towards his apartment. What I'm met with is the sight of Heeseung lying on the ground, clutching his stomach in pain, blood seeping through his fingers. My heart stops. My breath catches in my throat as I rush to his side, my hands trembling as I reach out to touch him.

Since when has he been stabbed? Since when has he been lying in this dark alley, alone and vulnerable? Since when has someone wanted to hurt him?

I drop to my knees next to him, screaming, panicking, fear holding me by my throat. "Heeseung-" My hands hover above his body but I don't know where to touch, I don't know what to do. "Please, Heeseung, wake up," I plead, my voice cracking with desperation. I hold him closer, and at some point, I can't tell if it's my dress or his blood that's staining my hands. "Somebody please help!" I'm screaming at the top of my lungs while holding Heeseung so close I'm afraid I might crush him. Tears are streaming down my cheeks, blurring my vision as I press my hands against his chest, feeling the faint rise and fall of his breath.

"Sena," I hear him whisper, his eyes closed, and my heart skips a beat. I'm nothing but a wreck, my emotions raw and unfiltered as I cling to the sound of his voice like a lifeline. "I'm sorry." I never understood why in movies, the moment the hero is about to die, they always apologize. But right now, the answer is hitting me over and over like a hammer. He's not apologizing because he's sorry for what happened to him. He's apologizing because he knows the pain he's causing me, the fear and anguish that are ripping me apart. He's apologizing because he knows he's leaving me behind, alone and broken, and he wishes he could stay to comfort me, to hold me close and tell me everything will be alright.

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