25 - Racing Against the Odds

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You've got to be kidding me. Now that the pit stops are relatively better than the last ones, I find myself struggling with another issue—my car is not responding the way it should on the track. After the crash of a few weeks ago, it seems like the mechanics' adjustments have only made things worse. I pull into the pit, frustration etched on my face as the mechanics swarm around my car. "Something is wrong with her." I sigh. "I can't race like this."

"We made some adjustments based on the feedback from the earlier issues, but it seems like there might be a deeper problem. We need to run some diagnostics and figure out what's going on." Lorenzo says, checking his cardboard while I go back and forth in the pit lane, taking off my gloves. "Do you think it's the tires?"

"I don't think it's just the tires," I reply, running a hand through my hair in frustration. "The handling feels off, like there's a lack of power or something. It's not just a matter of grip." I glance at my car and feel my heart break. What have they done to her? I feel like I'm letting her down, like I'm failing to harness her full potential. 

"Best of luck, Lee Heeseung!" Some of the fans cheer from the grandstands, their voices faintly reaching me. I force a tight-lipped smile and wave at them, earning a few encouraging cheers in return. Since the fake arrangement with Sena, I've earned myself a pretty huge fanbase and I've been doing more interviews, more videos with the other racers including, Jay, Sunghoon and Jake. The fan service is rewarding, but right now, it's the last thing on my mind. 

I don't see Sena in the grandstands today. She must be busy, considering that she spent time with me for the past few days, coming to every practice session to offer her support. It's both comforting and disheartening not to spot her familiar face in the crowd. I hope she's safe and well. The last thing I need now is for her to get caught up in any drama or trouble, especially after what happened with Ujin. Though I'm sure he wouldn't dare think of her after my comment about his little issue down there. I can't help but scoff; he's out there somewhere nursing his wounded ego, and I can't say I feel an ounce of sympathy for him.

"Well?" I rest my hands on my hips, waiting for Lorenzo to come up with an update on the diagnostics. He looks up from the clipboard he's been scribbling on and I gulp. "There's a problem with the fuel injection system. It's not functioning properly, which explains the lack of power you've been experiencing."

I curse under my breath, frustration boiling over. The fuel injection system is not something that can be fixed quickly, especially not in the middle of a race weekend. It's a setback that could potentially cost me valuable points in the championship standings. "How long will it take to fix?" I ask, already dreading the answer.

Lorenzo shakes his head. "It's hard to say. We'll need to replace some parts, run more tests, and make sure everything is functioning correctly. I'll do my best to expedite the process, but I can't make any promises." 

I run a hand through my hair, trying to keep my emotions in check. This is not how I envisioned my weekend going. With each passing minute, my chances of a podium finish slip further away. "Alright," I sigh. There's nothing I can do apart from letting them work on the car. I glance over at the track, where the other racers are still speeding around, pushing their machines to the limit. The desire to be out there with them, battling for positions, eats at me. "Let's get to work. We don't have time to waste."

While they work on her, I make my way to the pit wall, where I can watch the ongoing race and keep an eye on my competitors. I pull out my phone and start taking their lap times, analyzing their performance compared to mine. A smirk finds its way to my lips when I realize I have the fastest lap time among them even with a malfunctioning car. Well, at least my skills are still top-notch, even if my car isn't cooperating. But the reality remains: lap times on paper don't win races; a well-functioning car does.

My phone's notification ping interrupts my thoughts, and I see a message from Sena. A wave of relief washes over me, knowing that she's safe and hasn't been dragged into any more trouble. I ignore the fact that my heart skipped a beat at the sight of her name and quickly open the message.

Sena: I'm sorry I couldn't come to watch you today. How are you?

Heeseung: Not great. Car troubles. Might not make it to the podium.

Sena: I'm sorry to hear that. 

Heeseung: Well, it's not over until it's over. I'll do my best to salvage what I can. How's your day been?

Sena: Eventful, to say the least. I'm trying on a few dreses for an event tonight. Wanna see?

Before I can respond, she sends two pictures of her standing in front of a mirror, dressed in a red satin dress with a slit that practically shows her whole leg, and a black sequined gown that hugs her curves in all the right places. I press my tongue against the inside of my cheek, my eyes fixed on my phone's screen longer than I intended. I can't help but imagine running my hands along the smooth fabric, feeling the warmth of her skin beneath it, tracing the curves that I've only dreamed of. I have to force myself to look away before I get lost in those thoughts. I save the pictures, though, because damn, she looks absolutely breathtaking.

Heeseung: Both dresses look amazing on you, but I think I like the red one more. It's a Ferrari thing, I guess. 

Her next text is a bunch of laughing emojis, and I can't help but chuckle at her response. The way she can lighten the mood is so refreshing. A few words from her and I'm nothing but a smiling mess. 

Sena: Thank you. I think I'm leaning towards the red one now too. Anyways, I hope you're not too frustrated or tired. Take it easy, Heeseung. I'll see you tonight. 

With that, I slip my phonr back into my pocket and rest my hands on my hips, watching the mechanics work on my car, not too frustrated anymore. The things she does to me. Gosh, she tells me to take it easy and I'm already feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders. "Have you seen Junseok?" I ask Lorenzo when he walks towards me. 

"He's not here for practice today. Says he has something to take care of." I watch as he leans against the nearby workbench, wiping his hands on a rag. "The car is not going to be ready for today. You better wrap up and call it a day. Tomorrow, though, I expect you to be on the track with a fully functioning car." I just nod and give me a quick pat on the shoulder before leaving the pit area.

The sky is already dark when I drive away from the racetrack, heading back to my apartment. The events of the day weigh heavily on my mind, but the thought of seeing Sena tonight makes me as excited as a child with a new toy. I can't shake off the smile that keeps creeping onto my face for fuck's sake. 

Upon arriving at the garage, I park my car and step out, attempting to walk to my apartment. But the feeling of being watched makes me stop in my tracks and glance around cautiously. The dimly lit alley leading to my apartment building feels eerily silent, the only sound being the distant hum of traffic. I can't shake the feeling of unease that washes over me, like a cold chill creeping up my spine. Maybe I'm just imagining things, letting my imagination run wild in the darkness, but the moment I take a step forward, someone steps out from the shadows, blocking my path.

He's too close, a man dressed in all black, his face hidden beneath his helmet. My muscles tense, instinctively preparing for a fight as adrenaline courses through my veins. The stranger doesn't say a word, he only takes a step back and that's when realization hits me like a ton of bricks. That's when I feel a sharp pain shoot through my abdomen and make me stagger backward, clutching my stomach in shock. The man must have had a knife, and now I can feel warm blood seeping through my fingers, staining my shirt.

"What the hell-" I manage to choke out, but before I can say anything else, blood gushes from my mouth, making it difficult to speak. The pain is excruciating, blinding, as I try to make sense of what's happening. I expect the man to stab me again, make me bleed out in this dark alley, but instead, he just watches me with a cold, detached gaze before he turns around and leaves. I collapse to my knees, clutching my stomach, trying to stop the bleeding, trying to understand just what happened. 

I cannot breathe, cannot think of anything other than the fact that Sena will have to find me like this. I don't want her to see me like this. I try to crawl towards my phone, lying a few feet away, but the pain is too much, and my vision starts to blur. I can feel my strength fading, my consciousness slipping away. Junseok's and Lorenzo's words replay in my mind and only on the brink of death do I realize that I'm the one Junseok had to take care of.

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