Chapter 13: New Beginnings

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One an a half years later

Beyonce's POV:

The term new beginnings was a term I took lightly. But now having to take it into consideration, it was a very hard decision.

Following Michael and I's break up, I started off crying myself to sleep for the first two weeks then I began weening myself off. Now I'm at the stage where every once in a while I would have an upset moment but for the most part i'm much more better.

I was now on my Dangerously in Live tour and it's been a complete hit success. We were more than halfway through the second leg of the tour and we only have one an a half legs left.

The concerts typically consisted of: Baby Boy, Naughty Girl, Fever, Yes, Gift from a Virgo, No, No, No pt2, Bootylicious, Jumpin', Jumpin, Say my Name, Survivor, Dangerously in Live pt 2, and Crazy in Love.

I was just now finishing my concert, thanking all the fans for coming out and I love themed them all.

As I walked off the stage everyone was cheering for me, saying how this was a great show

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As I walked off the stage everyone was cheering for me, saying how this was a great show. I thanked everyone and went to hide in my dressing room like always.

This time I walked through the door and saw a bouquet of flowers with a note attached. My first thought was that it was from Michael but I was surprised to see it wasn't.

The note read:
My daring Beyoncé, please reconsider going on that date. You're not with your boy toy Mikey anymore, so I'm all yours.

Truly yours

I couldn't throw away the card fast enough. Instead of throwing away the flowers I wrote another note to the cleaning clean and gave them to a nice older woman.

I finished changing out my concert clothes and back to my normal self when I heard a knock on the door.

I welcomed whoever was at the door to come in and they did so.

To my surprise it was Janet and Katherine.

"Hello come in, hey guys!" I said jumping up and hugging them both.

"What brings you guys by?"

"Janet was dying to watch your concert so she convinced me to fly out here. Plus we wanted to take you out to dinner."

"Oh I would hate to impose." Mama K gave me a death stare. "But as long as i'm not, dinner sounds lovely."

Mrs.Katherine sent Janet out the room to allow us to talk privately. I offered her a seat and we both sat down next to each other.

"How have you been my sweet baby?"

"Good, it was hard in the beginning but Im pushing through it now. How's... Michael?"

"Terrible, he's on tour as well but when he comes home he's a complete mess. He moved back home, said something about the old apartment reminded him of a bad time."

"Oh i'm sorry to hear that. When I do come home, I'm with my mom. She's helped me so much through that terrible time."

"Speaking of terrible time, I wanted to apologize for my son's disrespectful acts towards you. He was raised better than that."

"It's fine Mama K, we both said things we didn't mean."

"No it's not okay, he was letting his anger out on you from a past trauma. Lisa was the worst decision he could have ever gone with. I'm so sorry."

"Honestly it's fine, maybe we weren't meant to be together. God always gives us signs. I think of it as being a sign saying go our separate ways. Trust me it killed me, but I'm finally healing properly. I'm happy again."

"Do you know of Lisa? I bet Michael never brought her up."

I shook my head and she sighed. "Well Lisa was his first love of some sorts. He was fresh out of his homeschool graduation and was in love with Ms.Presley. Something about her connected my poor Michael. They were together for a good bit, then she cheated. She lied and lied denying the allegations but finally she told the truth. It broke Michaels heart into pieces. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know who to believe anymore."

"That's makes a lot of sense, but I just didn't understand why he wouldn't talk to me anymore. He completely threw me away, like I wasn't worth anything to him."

"I promise he loved you. I hear him up every night crying out for you. Just like you he's completely heartbroken. But nevertheless that isn't an excuse for his unmannered behavior. The family and I truly miss you, so when you come back to LA why don't you stop by? I'll make sure it's when Michael isn't home so you don't have to worry about all those feelings starting over.

I don't tell people this but I feel your pain. Joe hasn't always been the best man ever, especially after our first almost divorce. I'm sure Mikes talked about it, but Joe was so mean on them. He had high expectations, he would do anything to feed him family."

"Wow I never knew this, Michael told me how Joe was growing up, but never that bad. I'm sorry, my mother also explained how my father was before their divorce. All these years she was protecting us from the true monster he is and was. "

We continued talking until Janet was impatient enough to starting whining. I packed up my things and walked with them to my car where Julius was waiting.

We all got in the car and I instructed him to drive to the closet restaurant.

We arrived to an Italian restaurant and we got back out and hurried into the building trying to dodge the paps.

Once we were seated we order our foods and drinks then began talking again.

Mama K had to excuse her self then Janet broke the silence. "I stopped talking to the boy I was telling you about. If you and Michael didn't work then neither will me and Darian."

"No don't Mike and I's break up shouldn't determine how you think."

"But you guys were end game, me and you were talking about it remember."

"Well maybe I was wrong, but that doesn't matter. What happened between Mike and I is confusing."

"He told me, he says he still loves you and he messed up really bad."

"Well yes but so did I, I was very mean to him. I said some mean things, and I wish I could take them back but it's too late now."

"Not it's not, you guys can get back to together. I know he misses you so much. So please consider it, please?"

Mama K was walking back so I nodded quickly and I changed the subject. By the time she sat back down we were talking about my tour.

Th rest of dinner we strictly talked about my tour. Every once and awhile we brought of Michael on accident but we quickly changed the topic like normal.

It honestly felt nice talking with them, it brought be a peace of closure. Knowing the true story of what Lisa did to him, changed my perspective just a little bit. I didn't regret our breakup but knowing his past gave me a sense of peace. Knowing I tried but he wasn't fully healed. The feeling that I tried, but he just wasn't ready to be helped yet.

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