Fuck around and find out.

Start from the beginning

As Damon gaze wandered to the shadows that danced along the walls, the sudden vibration of his phone pierced the heavy silence. He hesitated, almost dreading the intrusion. His eyes narrowed as he grabbed the device and glanced at the caller ID—unknown number. A sense of foreboding washed over him, but curiosity won out, and he answered.

"Hello?" he asked, his voice a mix of caution and annoyance.

"Hello to you too, pouty," a sultry voice purred from the other end. "Miss me?"

Damon grip on the phone tightened, the familiarity of the voice stoking the fire of his anger. "What do you want, you evil she-bitch?" he snarled, not bothering to hide his disdain. "Shouldn't you be sucking the happiness out of someone's life or destroying people's relationships?"

Katherine's throaty laughter echoed through the receiver as if she reveled in his anger. "Ouch, that hurts, Damon You used to love me, remember?"

His voice turned icy. "Unlike you, I have a life. So say what you have to say so I can exorcise you out of my life forever."

Katherine's voice took on a serious tone, a stark contrast to her earlier playfulness. "I'll get straight to the point, then. I have information on a potential target that could be the key to unleashing your pent-up Emotions emotions. I thought you might find that interesting."

Damon was surprised that she knew about that. " How did you know?

Kathrine just chuckled. I have my sources She simply said.

Damon curiosity was piqued despite his disdain for katherine. He knew better than to trust her, but if there was even a grain of truth in her words, it could be the breakthrough they needed.

"What kind of target?" Damon asked, trying to keep his voice level.

Katherine chuckled, clearly enjoying her power over him. "Oh, I'm not going to make it that easy for you, Damon. If you want the information, you'll have to come to the Mystic Grill. I'll be waiting."

Damon grip on his phone tightened, his knuckles turning white. He knew it was a risk to meet katherine, but for Matilda's sake, he had to take the chance.

"Fine," he relented, his voice barely a whisper. "I'll be there."

As he hung up the phone, Damon couldn't shake the feeling that he was making a deal with the devil. But if it meant finding a way to help Matilda, it was a risk he was willing to take. With a deep breath, he steeled himself for the confrontation to come, hoping that he wasn't about to make a grave mistake. So he decided to call back up.

Gilbert Residents.

I started making food for the family. I have been calling Caroline phone nonstop today. I wanted to go over her birthday plans. But she has been picking up. So I called Aunt Liz to ask her. " Hello? She answered. " Look, I know you and care are having an not talking right now, but can you tell where she is, and please talk to her?

Liz sounded confused. " Sweetie, I thought she was with you?

My body went cold as I commanded my power to find her. A white-hot fury erupted within me as my powers guided me to Caroline location. The sight that greeted me was a nightmare. Caroline, my best friend, my ally, was tortured by her own father. The betrayal, the cruelty, and it all threatened to consume me. My blood boiled, and my heart pounded in my chest, the rhythm erratic and fierce.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as I took in the horrific scene. Caroline screams echoed in my ears. The darkness within me stirred, and I felt a primal urge to unleash my wrath upon the man who dared to harm her.

Words failed me as I struggled to process the flood of emotions rage, disgust, and a deep, searing pain. In that moment, I knew that justice would not be enough. This man deserved to suffer as Caroline had suffered, to feel the full weight of the agony he had inflicted upon her. And I was more than willing to be the one to deliver it.

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