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I left Phil's office and made my way over to Fitsimmons' lab knowing that's probably the most productive place to research. Jemma was stood at her desk looking into Gabriel's company checking if there was anything dodgy with the work her was doing, Fitz was reading into Gabriel's finances and Daisy was doing a deep dive into his social media and the newspapers.

"How's the search going?" I asked moving towards Daisy to perch on her desk

"He seems like a stand up guy, I mean look at this" Daisy tilted her laptop towards me

"Dr Gabriel Adams comes up with a cure to new strand of unnamed disease" she reads

"What disease?"

"Anomaly in the DNA caused some people to have an auto immune mutation, there was significant rises in the number of people diagnosed, Dr Adams found the mutation and isolated it then combated it with his own lab made DNA, truly remarkable" Jemma started fan girling again

"okay Jem calm down, he's not God" i snickered

"Looks like him" Daisy mumbled earning a smack from me

"oi wind your neck in or we're gonna fall out", she just rolled her eyes and wrapped her arm around my waist pulling me into her. In response, I draped my arm around her shoulder gently moving my hand up and down her arm in a comforting way, not missing the smirk from Jemma.

I helped daisy comb through his media front, spiralling down to his associates, occasionally having the short conversation with Fitzsimmons and them explaining some of the terms to us. I may speak 6 languages but i can tell you right now, science? not one of them. I know enough the get by like the Earth is round, Darwin's theories on evolution as well as an intermediate knowledge of blood (I did study for a medical degree while in the military but it was never something I paid attention to). I'm smarter than I look definitely but nothing compared to the two geniuses in front of us. So, when it comes to fancy innovative biochemistry, help is much appreciated. It wasn't until an hour later when we had started to make some head way.

"Wait here's something" Fitz called out, uploading his tablet onto the big screen

"Dr Adams' ex finance manager, this guy, Edward Capello was not a nice man" Fitz continued

"Clearly. I mean, embezzlement, forgery, assault, aggravated assault, police battery... wait he cut out a guys eye!" daisy listed off the screen, shocked at the second life of the seemingly loyal business man

"oh this will be fun" I laughed, not meeting the reaction I hoped for

"Y/N you're psychotic" Jemma replied, scolding me slightly as she gave a swift smack to my back of my head

"What, it's not my fault. Just been a while since I've dealt with a proper bad guy"

"Sometimes forget you weren't here when Ward happened" Daisy chimed in, stopping her social media snooping to join in on bully me

"Grant Ward?" I questioned confused

"How have you not heard this story" Jemma smiled slightly at my obliviousness, shaking her head in her hands

"Because my sweet Jemma I don't get involved in other people's drama like you do I hinted at our previous conversation when she tried to dig for information about my love life

"Hold up if you don't know the story how do you know his name is Grant" Fitz said

"I know him" I replied like it was the most obvious and harmless thing

"We'll do this another time, don't you have some interrogating to do?" Jemma felt like our mother half the time, having to break up silly bickering between us. Most of the time it was Fitz getting mad at Daisy for not understanding science, other times Daisy got mad because Fitz didn't understand her humour. When I got involved, it made it worse because me and Fitz shared different theories on a lot of science topics and are both too stubborn to agree to disagree, the me and Daisy just wind each other up until one cave and says something nice.


Is anyone still actively reading this? I want to get more frequent with my updates if that is something people want, please do comment and let me know if you want me to continue this or if you have some ideas. I have a plot line I was to pursuit but am definitely open to some side plots

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