i guess we take the highway to hell

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the next morning, percy was moved to cabin 3. 

he looked pretty miserable, but i couldn't really blame him. i mean, everyone was acting like he had some rare disease.

nobody mentioned the hellhound to percy's face, but they were certainly talking about it behind his back. the attack had scared everybody. it sent two messages: one, that percy was the son of the sea god; and two, monsters would stop at nothing to kill him. and the camp borders weren't going to stop them.

the campers steered clear of percy as much as possible. except me. in my eyes, percy hadn't done anything other than make me dislike him. which was always the case, so i didn't need to treat him any differently. 

cabin eleven were too nervous to have sword class with percy after what he'd done to the ares folk in the woods, so sword fighting became two-on-one - percy, luke, and me. luke pushed percy harder than ever. it was quite funny to see him getting all bruised up.

annabeth still taught percy greek in the mornings, along with me teaching him latin. annabeth was getting a bit distracted though. everytime the son of poseidon opened his mouth she would scowl at him. for a reason that's irrelevant to either of them, i think. but annabeth idolises athena, so her mum's rivalries are her rivalries. 

even clarisse kept her distance, though her venomous looks made it clear she had percy as number 1 on her hitlist. 

that night, i had a bad dream. not my worst, but bad. 

i was running along a beach in a storm. this time, there was a city behind me. not new york. the sprawl was different: buildings spread farther apart, palm trees and low hills in the distance. something told me where i was in the back of my mind, but i couldn't quite reach it.

about a hundred yards down the surf, two men were fighting. they looked like the kind of wrestlers you see on tv, muscular, with beards and long hair. they both wore flowing greek tunics, one trimmed in blue, the other in green. they grappled with each other. wrestled, kicked and head-butted. every time they connected, lightning flashed, the sky grew darker, and the wind rose.

i had to stop them. i didn't know why. but the harder i ran the more the wind blew me back, until i was running in place, my heels digging uselessly in the sand.

over the roar of the storm, i could hear the blue-robed one yelling at the green-robed one, give it back! give it back! like a whinging little toddler, fighting over a toy.

the waves got bigger, crashing into the beach, spraying me with salt.

i yelled, stop it! a golden flash of lightning crashed down as i screamed, stop fighting!

the ground shook. laughter came from somewhere under the earth, and a voice so deep and evil it turned my blood to ice.

come down, little hero, the voice crooned. come down!

the sand split beneath me, opening up a crevice straight down to the centre of the earth. my feet slipped, and darkness swallowed me whole. 

i woke up, sure i was falling. 

i was still in my bed in cabin 7. my body told me it was morning. the empty beds were also a clue. but no light shone in through the ceiling window. outside, the sky was dark, and thunder rolled across the hills. a storm was brewing.

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