•Pizza Party•

Start from the beginning

  Piper nodded along, unconvinced. She heard loud thumping down the steps and all three of them turned to see her Uncle Rick. He was sporting a matching robe with his wife, and his glasses were about to fall off of his head but he didn't seem to mind. He gave a silent hello to the three of them and made his way over to the coffee machine.

"So who else is coming to this party tonight?" She asked, sitting down on a stool near the counter.

"Uhm, well, Walker, Leah, Aryan, Dior, Charlie, Charlie's girlfriend, Tanya, and Dan and Jonathon, who are the directors." Her uncle said, putting a tiny pod into the machine. He pressed a few buttons and a whirring noise soon followed, dispensing brown liquid into a big white mug that said, "World's best director."

  Her Aunt Becky scoffed and stepped up to her husband, adjusting his glasses correctly and fixing his unkempt hair. "You should at least look in a mirror before you come down, darling."

  Uncle Rick started adding creamer to his coffee before speaking to her. "I only keep it messy because I know you love fixing it."

  Piper smiled at the interaction. She didn't know why her parents never said  like this to each other. She thought that was how relationships were supposed to be, but Rick and Becky changed that in just one day.

  Walker stepped into the doorway of the kitchen that led into the hallway. "I'll see you guys tonight for the party, nice meeting you Piper." He gave a little wave and a smile and left the room, and just seconds later she heard the front door close.

  She turned back to the loving couple in front of her to see Rick chugging down coffee and Becky complaining that he was gonna have a heart attack if he kept doing it.

••9 hours later••

  She took a shower and did her curl routine, wanting her hair to at least look a little better than what it was this morning. She was wearing a plain blue baby-tee and a light pair of jeans. A knock sounded at the door, and Piper looked out the window to see who had arrived.

  About three cars lined the street, and she saw the other two teens in the photo exit a blue car with Walker. They started walking up the stone steps, and Piper left the window side, going downstairs to greet them at the door.

  Once Piper was at the landing, she saw that the man who played Luke was already inside the house with his girlfriend. He had a friendly look on his face and he gave a big smile to Piper, extending his hand for her to shake.

"Hey, I'm Charlie, nice to meet you."

  She smiled back, shaking his hand. "I'm Piper."

  The girl next to Charlie held out her hand. She had pretty brown eyes and chestnut colored skin, with maroon glasses perched upon her nose. She wasn't very tall, and when standing next to Charlie she looked even shorter.

"I'm Tanya."

  A few seconds later the door opened again and Walker walked in with the two teens. Walker had a happy grin on his face, and Piper could tell he was excited to see the cast of Percy Jackson again.

"Hey Piper!" He waved.

  Fifteen minutes later everyone was introduced to each other. Piper quite enjoyed Leah, and Leah seemed extremely happy that there was going to be another girl on set her age.

  Piper's uncle was late (as usual), and he thudded down the stairs in heavy footsteps merely a moment after all the guests had arrived. He looked cheery as he greeted everyone. Everybody moved to the living room and kitchen, mingling around the fireplace and dining table.

  The pizza soon arrived and everyone clamored around the table to get a slice. Piper took only one slice of pizza, not wanting to eat all of Aunt Becky and Uncle Rick's food like her mother said.

  She sat down in between Walker and Leah, placing her plate and drink down on the wooden table. She looked over to see Walker's plate with five slices of pizza stacked up on top of one another.

"Only one piece?" He asked, mid bite into his pizza.

"Walker, don't talk with food in your mouth!" His mom called out, throwing some sauce packet at him.

  He yelped as the packet hit his face, whining about how mean his mom was.

  Piper raised an eyebrow at his plate. "Five pieces?"

•Behind the Scenes• Walker Scobell x OCWhere stories live. Discover now