Part 14

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Ash's POV:

We are currently riding down some country roads I've noticed Leah has gone quiet but from a quick check in the mirror I can see she's just taking everything in and enjoying the ride, I give her a quick squeeze on her hand making her glance into the mirror already seeing my eyes on her, her smile evident through her eyes as the helmet blocks one of my favourite views.
"Now, as a biker, a country road with a few bends and little traffic is a dream." I started with a small smirk knowing Leah is looking through the mirror at me. "Fancy going a little faster? There's no pressure remember." I finished taking a quick glance at Leah seeing she settling herself into me and gripping harder.
"I trust you, let's do it." She answered with a light chuckle.

All I could do was nod at the green light from Leah as I tucked myself into the bike and gripped the throttle back. I didn't take my eyes off the road to look at Leah as I needed to keep my wits about me and her eyes are one of the most distracting things I've found. It also helps settle my nerves that Leah's enjoying this as I can hear her giggling through our intercom. I could listen to that sound all day.

Noticing we were approaching the small town I wanted to take her too I gentle slowed down, sitting up straighter as I did, Leah adjusting too.
"You okay back there?" I checked as we past a sign saying 'Welcome to Holt', which I noticed Leah saw.
"Yeah! I love being on the bike! Also what's in Holt?" Leah spoke her grin evident in her voice.
"Good! I'm glad, and Holts a cute little town me and my family used to visit anytime we camped in Norfolk. It's got cute little shops and this lovely coffee shop, which do some great hot chocolates." I informed chuckling at the end as I know what Leah is like. We turned to into a small car park where I patted Leah's knee letting her know to jump off, after she got off I stretched out my back and we both took our helmets off and I secured my bike with locks I kept in the rucksack Leah was carrying. Finally turning to her and shouldering the bag I grabbed her hand and slowly pulled her into me, one arm wrapped around her waist as the other held her chin up to look at me as her arms wrapped around my neck. Slowly inching forward giving Leah the time to back out as I knew we are in public. But she closed the gap herself sharing a tender kiss before slowly pulling back, eyes glistening and a smile that could make anyone's day, scratch that a whole year!

We slowly wandered through the small town hand in hand, I could tell Leah was a little nervous.
"Hey, love don't worry about anyone round here they just get on with their day, there's no paparazzi the most you might get is little kids wanting some pictures and autographs. But if you want to act a bit like erm, friends we can. Sorry I should have thought of this." I muttered out towards the end, not wanting to make Leah uncomfortable especially with this being our first date.
"Hey, hey!" Leah stopped me and turned me around to face her, her hands holding my face. "Look I was a little worried about someone seeing us at first but if you say this place is as you say you do, I trust you. And if I'm honest I could never  act like friends with you, you mean a lot to me. It's early in our feelings for each other but as long as end up with you in my life, I'm okay with anything that ends with that." Leah rushed out calming me down and knowing she feels all that makes me feel good, especially because I feel the same.
After breathing out a long sigh I smiled at Leah.
"Sorry I got a bit panicky then haha. I trust you too, and as long as I end up with you too, I'm happy with that."

After that we continued to walk hand in hand, Leah pointing things out as I reminisce of childhood memories.


Hey guys sorry it's a short one. I'll finish the date next chapter and will also get a Leah POV of the last couple of days.

Hope you're all well and enjoying this so far. Don't forget to leave those little stars or any comments. Again thanks for the support but I better go my mrs wants attention😂🤷🏼‍♀️

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