Part 13

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Ash's POV:

Waking up to a hand slowly tracing my stomach would normally make me confused and wonder who I brought home last night but before I could open my eyes, the intoxicating smell of my favourite person entered my nose.
"Morning Le." I husked out, voice still evident with sleep. Slowly opening my eyes and turning to the beautiful Angel that is cuddled up to me with her head on my shoulder.
"Morning Ash." Leah replied as she stretched slightly in my hold.
"You sleep okay beautiful?" I asked as she gently settled back down.
"Mhmm, best sleep ever, you?" She hummed as her eyes met mine, a smile gracing her lips.
"Good, and I'll always have the best sleep with you in my arms." I smiled as she blushed.

Leah slowly rested herself on her arm as her free hand caressed against my cheek, seeing the hesitation in her eyes I gently grabbed the side of her face and pulled her down as her lips met mine, a sweet innocent kiss compared to the ones we shared last night.

After eventually leaving my bed we headed downstairs so I could prepare her breakfast. Leah made a coffee for me and a hot chocolate for herself as I grabbed the plates and settled at my table waiting for her to join me.
"Do you have anything planned today Le?" I asked a plan forming in my mind.
"No, I was supposed to have training but they want me to rest for today at least before they check my hamstring again tomorrow." She answered before seeing my smile get bigger "why? Do you have something in mind?"
"Well now I know you're not busy, I was thinking all I have to do today is a quick gym session which won't take long, then I was wondering if you'd like to go on that date?" I smiled feeling a little nervous if she still wants to go out with me.
"I'd love that Ash, I don't have any clothes though?" Leah replied.
"Don't worry, why don't you go relax whilst I just get a quick gym session in then I'll come help you with what you should wear, sound okay?" I asked as I started to move our plates to the sink.
"S-sure okay, am I okay to have a shower?" Leah asked with a slight blush coating her cheeks.
"Like I've told you before, make yourself at home." I grinned with a small wink sent her way as I headed off to my home gym.

After an hour later of me finishing my session and having a shower I excited my en-suite to Leah sat in my bed watching tv.
"Hope I didn't keep you waiting to long?" I checked as I headed over to my wardrobe picking and outfit out for myself and a couple of options for Leah.
"No you're fine, especially when you make it up with this view." She whispered the last part more to herself but I definitely heard it and the chuckle I made told her I did.
"Come here you, I was thinking with the weather being nice, we could go out on the bike and we can go to one of my favourite places, have some food too?" I smiled over at her with my hand held out for her as my other dried my hair with the towel draped over my neck clad in only my sports bra and shorts.
"That sounds great." The blonde smiled her eyes fluttering down checking me out as she gripped my hand.
"Hmm, I've got you a couple of options, all will protect you so it's up to you which you prefer." I smiled enjoying this feeling with Leah, I just hope this lasts.

After us both getting dressed I packed a small rucksack with some drinks and snacks as it's a bit of a ride out, but I think she'll enjoy it.
"You ready love?" I checked as she finished tying her boots.
"Yeah, where are we going?" She asked a small smile gracing her lips.
"It's a bit of a drive but I think you'll love it, I used to go camping there with my family and we'd always visit this little town, it's cute." I smiled at her, memories flooding my mind. "Are you okay to have the rucksack on your back, it's got a couple of drinks and snacks in." I checked, knowing this would only be the second time she's been out on a bike.
"Yeah that's fine, I trust you." She chuckled as she grabbed the bag from my hands, our fingers slightly touching before she settled the bag on her back. Stepping forward I helped Leah adjust the bag so it was snug but comfortable for her.
"Come on you, I've also set up intercoms in our helmets so we can talk on the way." I told her as I grabbed her hand leading her to the garage.

After securing our helmets and jumping on the bike we made our way to our destination. Both of us asking each other questions, getting to the other better, ranging from the silly things as what's our favourite colour to our childhood. The entire ride was full with laughs and smiles.

I'm starting to really fall for this girl


Morning guys! Another one up, first date! I'll add the second part later today.
Loving all the comments and can't thank you enough for voting and the support.

An extra character will be added soon, and as a warning they might bring some drama for our couple🤷🏼‍♀️
Hope you're enjoying this, let me know if you want anything specific🥰

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