Am I seeing double?

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Sonic lay in his hammock and enjoyed his, finally free day. Tails had gone back to his workshop Amy was out with Sticks, only Chaos knew what they were up to again. Knuckles was probably training. 

He let out a sigh and relaxed back into his hammock. His ear twitched as he heard a gasp coming from the beach. He groaned when footsteps followed soon. Ok who in their right mind, would come to me at- He twisted his head and looked at the clock on his nightstand. 2 am! Did no one sleep these days?!

The hero sat up with protest and looked to where the sound was coming from. He saw a red and black quill in his window. He squinted his eyes and frowned. Shadow? No wonder it's this dude. He literally never sleeps... 

"Go away, Shadow. I'm trying to sleep.", he shouted and lay bag down.

On the other side Shadow tensed up as he saw the very familiar version Sonic stare at him. When he shouted his name, more questions started forming in his head. Who was this? How did he know this person? Why do they look so much like Sonic?

Taking that Sonic would be no help, since the blue blur was occasionally frozen. He pulls Sonics legs out under him him, causing Sonic to lose his balance and fall face down in the sand. That apparently got the hedgehogs attention, as he began to spit out the sand, which had entered his mouth. He sat up and ran his hand over his tongue to remove the remaining sand. "What the hell, Shads!", he exclaimed once he was done.

Shadow looked down at him, visibly amused. "Are you focused now?", he asked. 

Sonic's stomach began to tingle again and he felt his muzzle heating up. He blamed it on embarrassment. he played it off and stood up quickly, responding, "Always was."

The other hummed. and looked back at the small house. "Sonic," he began, the said person looked over at him with a weird expression. Shadow noticed this and asked, "What?"

Sonic gave him a nonsensical [absurd; foolish] smile and answered, "Nothing..."

Shadow hummed in a wary [distrustful] way and said, "Sure..."

Sonic rubbed the back of his head, hands moving through his quills causing them to get messy. His rival only rolled his eyes at that. "It's just," the blue bluf continued trying to imitate the others voice, 'Sonic' Really?! Not that it's a problem, you just always call me 'faker'. It's so offbeat [unusual]."

The GUN agent rolled his eyes and tried again, "Listen. I wanted to ask you, if you have ever come across another version of yourself in the prism verses."

"Not that I remember.", the blue blur said. "Beside that one time, well it wasn't really me. He was way dumber and annoying than me. But he was a robot soooo I guess it didn't count."

Sonic looked back towards the house but the figure was already laying back down in the hammock. If his eyes hadn't tricked him, that person looked awfully lot like him. But now he wasn't sure anymore. He wanted to find out if that truly was him. His body was itching him to run into the house and find out.

"Whatever you're thinking, stop." , Shadow suddenly spoke beside him, making him twitch. He laughed it off, "Jeez Shads, warn a man."

Shadow watched him and drily responds, "I was beside you the whole time." 

He rolled his eyes and ran towards the house. "Whatever."

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