Failure P1

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Note; I have uploaded this on AO3 already. So check it out if you like it. The updates there will be uploaded quicker.

Pressing Sonic tighter into his body, he focused on the portal before them. The constant twitching of his rival sent him into a stage of panic but he was sure to bring Sonic back to his home. He would accomplish this. He wouldn't fail. He was the ultimate life form.

The path before them was clear. No stones in their way, which, Shadow wouldn't admit, made him feel relieved. Performing three sonic booms took a toll on his body. He huffed when he felt Sonic slip a little. Readjusting him in his arms, his attention slipping for a second. A second long enough for a barrier to fly in front of them.

Shadow realized too late and crashed against it. The collision sure was painful. His head was throbbing as he regained the sense of his surroundings again. He fisted his hands but instead of feeling fur and quills, his hands grasped nothing. Adrenaline cursed through him as he frantically looked around himself, searching for the hero of Mobius.

Spotting the blue blur falling into the abyss, Shadow pushed himself off the stone behind him. Speeding towards Sonic, he couldn't help the sense of Deja Vu he felt while chasing the other. Has something like this happened already? He couldn't remember and his memory never tricked him. Ignoring the shiver that ran down his body he pushed the topic aside.

"Come on.", he grunted out as he tried to move faster. He had trouble focusing on the fading body, since the hero almost blended into the emptiness. Shadow gritted his teeth as he realized Soni's body was getting pulled faster towards the giant mass he lost his emerald in.

Shadow wasn't sure if he was getting farther away or nearer to his rival, but he didn't give up just yet. What was this all for if he couldn't save Sonic now? "Sonic!" He heard the others shout from afar.

Sonic seemed to react to the desperate screams of his friends. His body twitched and glowing a little brighter. Shadow was impressed that even in this stage Sonic found a way to respond to the people dear to him. With this little sign, Shadow was determined to save him.

The blue hedgehog, if you could still call him that, was as near to the consuming mass as to Shadow. The gravitational pull was getting stronger every moment and the pressure around them began to grow unbearable to Shadow. He was near. Almost army length. Please...!

But he was too late.

Watching as the nearly invisible hedgehog was sucked into the hole. As if the hedgehog had never existed, every grace of his body was erased in a single second.

He released a shaky breath, his heart sinking, body losing its entire tension. His chest felt heavy as he realized that he failed. Again.

His ears dropped to his head. This time he truly lost Sonic. It was only mere moments ago that the hedgehog was drained of his prism energy. The way he fell to the ground had the rival believe he were dead. But now he knew for sure that there was no way of getting back. Sonic, it seems like you were wrong... There's not always a solution.

As he was getting pulled into the hole as well, his body was getting stretched in an agonizing way. Nevertheless he did not struggle.

The situation was none he had ever experienced, yet why did it feel like he was losing her all over again. This was nothing like the situation she was in. But his chest was as heavy as then. His throat burned like it did back then. His eyes. His shaking hands. He hated it. Hated this. The feeling. The well-known sensation. The pain. The memories it brought along.

He hated all of it.

Couldn't he just live a normal life?

He failed the first time. Maria...

He failed the second time. Sonic... and so did he fail his home.

This wasn't how the ultimate life form was supposed to be. The ultimate life form was not supposed to fail.

So was he...- Could he still call himself that.

The ultimate life form.

Perhaps he was the faker.

His body was distorted in an unnatural way. But he did not care. he felt worse. Still pondering through his thoughts as he soon passed out.

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