☾︎✰𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭✰☽︎

Start from the beginning

"What's the address?" You ask as you open the GPS app on you're phone. "Its 690 dream street." He said as he took you're phone out of you're hands and put the address in for you. "Thanks." You say with a smile. "Anytime." He said, returning the gesture. It took you about 30 minutes to get there.

You were playing jazz music in the background which made the ride very relaxing. You guys finally arrived at the building. It was a giant building with said "Rageous Records." That intimidated you. Cyan noticed you're discomfort and took you're hand, squeezing it gently as he pulled you to the entrance of the frightening building.

The first thing that you saw was a wall of all different types of artist's. While you were looking, you saw a picture of Velvet and Veneer which you rolled you're eyes at. You and Cyan both sat down in the waiting area, hand in hand. "Hey, Y/N. Don't worry. You've got this." Cyan said, now facing you with a smile. You smile back as you squeeze his hand.

Velvet's pov

I was in the kitchen, on my phone, since I had nothing else to do for the rest of the day. I had calmed down from the incident that happened the other day. But Veneer is scared shitless. He thinks that Y/N will tell people what he did and how we treated staff. Well, mostly me. 

But I know that Y/N doesn't have the balls to do that to us. Crimp had barged into the kitchen with a huge grin. "FOUND IT! I FOUND IT!" I quickly covered my ears after hearing Crimps annoying voice. "Found what, cramp?" "I found Y/N's location!" She said as she passed me her phone. Y/N was at Rageous records. I quickly got up from my chair and ran to the balcony, where Veneer was. He was sitting on a lawn chair, scrolling on his phone.

"VENEER!" I yell. "Bro, what the fuck? I'm not really in the mood.'" He said as he stared at me. I've never heard him this down. "I found Y/N's location." I said as I calmed down and sat down next to him. He instantly perked up. And looked up from his phone with a smile. " Really?" He said with a smile. "Yup! Wanna go?" I said with a mischievous grin. He nodded and got up. I got up too. We walked out of the front door and got in the door. For some reason, I can't wait to see her.

Y/N's pov

"Y/N L/N? Your up." The lady at the front counter yelled. You were still holding Cyan's hand. You squeezed Cyan's hand the tightest you ever have. He just held you're hand a little tighter, giving you a smile. He always knew how to calm you. The woman started to lead you and Cyan to the room.

"Here it is. Good luck." She said with a smile and walked away. You breathed in and out. Cyan did the same and then knocked on the door. "Come in!" A male voice yelled from the inside. You opened the door to see a man in a big chair that was bigger that all of the other chairs. "Please, sit." He said with a smile.

You and Cyan sat down next to each other. It was a long table and the man was sitting at the opposite end. A very tall woman walked in the room which you guessed was his assistant. "I'm guessing that you don't know me. My name is Mr. Mateo and this is my assistant, Allison.

Why is every mount rageons name so weird? "Hello, Mr. Mateo." You say as you get up from you're seat, walk to him, and shake his hand. You then walk back to you're seat. "Let me just say, you look absolutely stunning!" He said with a grin. "Thank you." You said returning the smile.

He looked well in his 50's. Ew. "Let me get straight to the point. I want to help you get even more famous than you already are. My company can help you're assistant get you into more interviews and more concert venues and things like that. Actually, we already have a venue ready for you, if you just sign this." He said as he snapped his fingers and Allison walked over to you, passing you a piece of paper and a pen.

You briefly read the page. There was some fine print, but normally that stuff isn't important. Right? Anyways, you signed you're first and last name. You passed the paper back to Allison. She took it and gave it to Mr. Mateo. He looked at it and grinned. You felt like something was off. "Great! And you're concert is in two weeks. Therefore, you will be going on a strict diet. Also, you need to make a new song by then." He said keeping the grin on his face.

☞︎︎︎❦︎𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙙𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩❦︎☜︎︎︎ 𝐕𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐭 & 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now