☾︎✰𝐓𝐨 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲✰☽︎

384 19 21

You slowly wake up.

The events from last night flooding into you're head. You just had sex with you're boss. YOURE BOSS! You pick up you're phone to check the time and it's already 10:36. You try to get out of the bed, when suddenly, you feel someone tugging you back down onto the bed. It was Veneer. "Babes, where are you going?" He asked in a curious tone. "I need to go and make breakfast for you guys or Velvets gonna get mad at me." He groans playfully but let's you go. You feel like this is a good time to tell him what he took from you.

"Hey Veneer, um, I kinda didn't  want to tell you last night, but, you kinda took my V card.." You sa in a worried tone, staring at the ground. "Wait, what?" Veneer says in a shocked tone. You nod in agreement.  "You were WAYY too good for you first time." He laughs. You roll you're eye's jokingly.  You walk out of the room, downstairs, to the kitchen to start making breakfast. You make them pancakes, eggs, and sausage. Velvet slowly walks down the stairs. She looked like a zombie in the morning.

She sat down in one of the chairs by the island and waited for me to finish breakfast. You pass her the plate with yummy, delectable food. "Hmm. You had  fun with my brother last night, huh?" You look at her with shoke. "Yeah,  you heard me. I don't really care I was just asking." You could tell that something in her demeanor was sad or jealous. "Why are you sad?" You asked in a worried tone. "How did you know that?" She asked in a intrigued voice. "I just know." You say with a wink leaving her flustered. (Remember that thing that I said about people knowing you for doing that? Yeah, this is what I mean.🙃) "So can you answer my question please?" She stays quite for a few seconds "You know what? It's nothing." She said in a reassuring tone. You strug it off since she didn't want to tell you. Veneer walks down the stairs looking normal. It seems like velvet is mad at veneer. She is starting daggers at him. You slowly sits down at the island. Velvet slowly tipped her cup of orange juice on him"Oops! Sorry bro. "She says with a smile. Veneer didn't seem to care. "Y/N can you pass me a towel please?" You pass him a towel and he cleans it up himself.

Velvet seemed bad at his response. She went to the fridge, took a whole jug of orange juice and dumped it all over veneer. He just stared at her in shock. After a few seconds, Veneer had pounced at her. Now, they were on the floor having a cat fight. You really didn't care and you continued to eat you're cereal.  You heard a small yell.  "Help me, please!" "What was that?" You asked while getting up to go and check it out.  "Wait!" The twins say in unison while getting up frantically. "It was nothing. My TV was on upstairs and it probably came from there. "Velvet said quickly. You shrug and sit back down to finish you're food. They both sit down like their want orange juice all over veneer and that velvet want covered in scratches from Veneer. They were both starting at you for some reason. "What?"You ask staring back. "Staring contest. "Veneer says While still staring at you. You roll you're eyes because how could you not?! They were so childish, it was annoying. 

You hear the small cry for help again. But much clearer since velvet and veneer weren't yelling. "Now I know for sure that that isn't coming from TV. Is that from You're guys phones or something?" They shake their heads yes very quickly. "I had a Instagram reel open!" Veneer quickly says,  lifting up his phone.  You nod and get out of you're seat. "I almost forgot, the meet gala is today, so I'm going to get everything ready, ok?" The twins nod at you before quickly scurrying to their makeup room. They were acting very weird today. And you didn't know why. 

Maybe they were nervous? No that's not it. Their never nervous. You knew that you would find out soon. You'll try, at least. You bring them their clothes, but this time, you didn't knock on the door. You opened it to find them holding a glass bottle in their hands with a troll inside.  "Um.. we can explain.!" Veneer said very quickly. "You know what? I don't really care and I'm not really shocked. "They twins look at you with confusion. "Huh?!" They say in unison. "You guys heard me!" "How though? You just saw us torturing a little troll. " Velvet said in confusion and shock. "Okay, and? You guys aren't the only people using troll in the industry. " You say normally.  "Do you use troll?" Veneer said in a intrigued tone. "I used to,  but not anymore.  I was about to get caught and I also knew that it was wrong. "

☞︎︎︎❦︎𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙙𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩❦︎☜︎︎︎ 𝐕𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐭 & 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now