Chapter 1: The Last Day of School

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As the final bell rang, signaling the end of another school year, excitement buzzed through the air like electricity. The cafeteria erupted into a cacophony of laughter and chatter as students spilled out of classrooms, eager to embrace the freedom of summer break. At their usual spot in the corner of the lunchroom, Alex, Leah, Owen, and Amelia gathered around the table, their backpacks slung over chairs and smiles plastered on their faces.

 "Can you believe it's finally here? No more early mornings, no more homework—just endless days of freedom!"

Leah nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I can't wait to sleep in every day. And finally catch up on all the shows I've been missing out on."

Owen chuckled, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Ah, the joys of summer laziness. I'm looking forward to doing absolutely nothing."

Amelia smiled softly, her gaze drifting out the window as if lost in thought. "It'll be nice to have some time to relax and recharge. Maybe even spend some quality time with family."

As the conversation shifted, Leah furrowed her brows slightly, her enthusiasm dimming as she listened to Amelia's plans. "But don't you want to spend the summer with us, Amelia?" she asked, her tone tinged with disappointment. "We had so much fun last year exploring new places together."

Amelia smiled apologetically, her gaze meeting Leah's with understanding. "Of course, Leah. I just feel like I need some time to recharge, you know? Plus, my grandmother's been feeling lonely lately, and I want to be there for her."

Leah's lips pursed into a small frown, but she nodded in acceptance. "I get it. Family comes first. But you'll still join us for some adventures, right? We can't have all the fun without you."

Amelia's smile brightened, grateful for Leah's understanding. "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Count me in for at least a few outings."

Alex chimed in, eager to keep the spirits high. "That's settled then! We'll plan some epic adventures together and make this summer one to remember."

Leah's enthusiasm returned full force as she turned to Alex, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I'm thinking we start with a road trip to that abandoned amusement park we talked about last year. or maybe that new jersey devils forest where sam and Colby went? Or maybe some haunted hotel. What do you say, fearless leader?"

Alex grinned, his adventurous spirit reignited. "Sounds like a plan! We'll pack up the car and hit the road first thing tomorrow morning. I have found a great place where nobody has ever explored. Not Sam and Colby, not Overnight, not even Twin Paranormal! Get ready for the thrill of a lifetime!"

Leah's eyes widened with excitement, her heart racing at the prospect of a new adventure. "Really? Tell us more, Alex! What kind of place are we talking about?"

Echoes of the Forgotten: The Haunted SummerWhere stories live. Discover now