chapter 5: helping hand

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On the road.

As the sun sets in las Vegas and city lights begin to turn on. we see a young man who is driving back to las Vegas and his home he  bought a month ago. His name is isaac, a young teen with back hair, white skin, and has a red colour stripe on his left hair. As he is driving back he gets a phone call from one of his friends and starts to answer it.

Isaac: hello?

???: hey Isaac

Isaac: brad? What's sup?

Brad: what are you doing?

Isaac: just making my way back home

Bead: i see. Hey next Sunday you wanna go party?

Isaac: i don't know you see because...

Brad: let me guess, you wanna play that game you got a week ago. What's it called?

Isaac: Elden ring

Brad: right that DnD looking game

Isaac: it's not really? Anyways I'm not sure if want to party

Brad: oh come on now you need some fun in you. And a special someone will be joining us

Isaac: wait your not saying-

Brad: Nancy is going to join us. What do you say?

Isaac: *thinks for a moment* ok, I'll see what i can do

Brad: ok... See you next Sunday *hangs up*

Isaac puts his phone and takes a drink of his water. He place his drink back, but only for it to spill on his leg.

Isaac: ah shit!

Isaac cleans himself a little with a paper towel. When he looks back at the road he immediately press down the breaks. But his car didn't stop quick enough as he hits a person. He is in complete shock and scared from hitting some, he gets out to check on the person he hits.

Isaac: oh my god! Oh my god! I am so... Sorry

He sees that the person he hits was a cosplay and judging by his outfit he must be cosplaying Elden ring. He was going to help them, until two others who are also cosplaying Elden ring characters as well. They helped him out and they all look at Isaac who is still in shock.

5 minutes earlier

We see the three tarnishes has fled the place and are still getting as far away as possible. Traveling in this waste of unknown, but as long as they don't see the facility known as area 51. The sun is setting and hopefully it make it easier for them to hide. They stop for a moment behind a giant bush and sat down to rest for now.

Stephen: i believe we should be far away from them

Daniel: i hope so? Man it's tiring when we run a great distance

Juan: i don't mind at all

Stephen: night is approaching, this should be good

Daniel: now we just need to look for someplace to go

Stephen: ya... We should be in the clear, let's get going

They get up from their rest and they move on ahead so somewhere. They look around to make sure that they aren't being followed or anything. They travel for a moment, until they arrived arrive at a strange area. This area has a strange black path that goes somewhere.

Stephen: what is this? *Gets on the black path*

Daniel: is this a path or is it something else?

Juan: it looks like a path. But to where exactly

the tarnishes of earth (elden ring X IRL) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora