chapter 4: escape

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In the containment room we see Stephen explaining to the people outside of the glass and talking about where their from. Talking about the lands between and it's mysterious secrets. He than talks about the erdtree, a large golden tree that bless the lands and everything. The lands between is also home to a goddess, Marika the eternal. He also explained about the Elden ring and the magic that exists. Then he talks about the shattering of the erdtree and how wars and chaos have spread across the land. The he talks about the tarnishes, warriors from beyond the fog. He explained how him and his friends are tarnishes and they are guided by the site of grace. Their goal they told us to become Elden lords, but his friends have different choices. Stephen wants to bring the age of stars, Juan wanted to bring order to the lands, and Daniel wants to bring chaos and madness across all lands. But since their journey together they decide to choose to become Elden lords. He talks about their journey and how they face many foes. From knights and foot-soldiers to monsters and people that posses their own magic to giants and dragons to demigods and gods. Now he explained about how they got here and it all started when they found a strange rune that glows white and has an upside down E that is trap on a square shape. After that he finishes talking about his story and see that the people are beyond comprehension of the story. They can't possibly thinks about the story or anything at all. One thing that's clear for them is that they aren't aliens, but individuals from another world. A world where magic exist and myths as well.

General Lowrance: wow! That's... So much to take in?

Agent Vicky: so your from a different world than. That could explain a lot

Hector: this is beyond science. Does science exist in your world?

Stephen: not entirely sure what that means, but I assume you mean intelligence

Hector: so can you do magic right now?

Stephen: are magic comes from mind, faith, arcane, and intelligent. But for use to actually cast magic we need either a staff or a seal. Which I assume you people have

General Lowrance: we have your things secure and everything

Stephen: ok? so now that we told you about who we are and where are we from, you can let is go right?

General Lowrance: that's complicated you see

Daniel: what do you mean... Complicated!?

General Lowrance: you see the people of this world is a lot different than the one in your world. You do understand that this is not your world right?

Stephen: sort of?

General Lowrance: what I'm saying is that... We don't want the public to feak out and everything. To make sure the is safe, we aren't letting you out

Juan: what!? Why!?

Stephen: but you agree to set is free

General Lowrance: I said maybe. It wasn't a guarantee

Daniel: you let us out now!!!

Agent Vicky: or what!? Your behind this strong glass and we confiscated your weapons and armour!

Juan: so what! This is are prison!

General Lowrance: you could say that!

Stephen: but what about are quest!? Are goal!? We can't abandoned that!

General Lowrance: it's not are problem! We are done. Oh and thanks for your equipment, who knows what we can do with it

After that the people begin to leave the room and leave the three tarnishes in containment. Daniel is furious and tries to break the glass once again, Juan is disbelief and even think about what they said, Stephen is in the corner and feels defeat that those people they hope could help end up taking what theirs. Seems these people of this world isn't what they thought, it reminds the tarnishes of patches. A person they met that they thought was friendly until he does something bad behind their backs. Not they have no idea of what to do, so Stephen though of something and needs to think fast.

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