chapter 2: the new lands

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We see the three tarnishes who are unconscious. They are laying on the ground in a sandy like area, the sky is starting to becoming morning. Then Stephen gets up first with his head hurting from what just happened.

Stephen: ouch! My head... What... What happened?

Stephen takes out his flask and drinks it to heal himself. Than he looks around the area and sees that him and his friends are no longer in the crumbling ruins of farum azula. Instead he seems to be in a sandy waste are with plants around and rocks. This was off as he has no idea where they are at. One thing that's off however is there is no erdtree in sight, that's what shock him the most. He looks to see the others are unconscious as well and he goes to wake them up. He takes out a couple of stimulating boluses and place it down their throats. He waits for the effects to kick in, until they started to move. Daniel is the first to wake up and Juan is the last to get up as well.

Daniel: ow! My head hurts!

Juan: uuuhh! What happened? Huh?

Stephen: you guys are awake

Daniel: ya *coughing* what did you give us!?

Stephen: stimulating boluses of course

Daniel: right

Juan: what happened!?

Stephen: I don't know

Daniel: *looks around* where are we?

Stephen: that I don't know either. I don't see the erdtree at all

The two notice that he is right, they don't see the erdtree at all. They look around for it, but they don't see the it's golden rays of light from a distance.

Daniel: wait what! WHERE IS THE ERDTREE!!

Stephen: calm down Daniel. I don't know!? And I don't know where we are!?

Juan: this doesn't feel like the lands between

Daniel: I could be caelid?

Stephen: this place would've been covered in rot. Where are we?

Daniel: I do not know and we'll never find out if we stand here!

Stephen: right let's... Ummm?

Juan: where do we go?

Stephen: ummmm? I guess this way?

Daniel: than lead the way

The three tarnishes head out into a random direction, hopefully to come upon something. They are beyond confused as to where they are. They don't see the erdtree, no ruins or two, they don't even feel like their in the lands between. So walking somewhere could help them in their journey into the unknown. tho wherever they are, danger could be anywhere or hiding.


In a vary far distance lies a facility that is off the radar to everyone. This facility is known as area 51, a place where they captured unidentified beings such as aliens. In the facility are a lot of security, military ops, scientist, and agents. Walking in the hallway is a general name lowrance and his two agents, Vicky and Chris. Right now they are on their way to the mapping room to discuss about something.

General Lowrance: report!?

Agent Vicky: we have reports on an anomalous activity happened far from us

Agent Chris: and from what we were told that it happened a minute ago

General Lowrance: how minute ago?

the tarnishes of earth (elden ring X IRL) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum